The 10 Health Benefits of Cloves
Cloves are flower buds that are very popularly used in cooking and natural remedy. Cloves are known for their distinctive aroma and are used in many dishes. It is added to candies and hot sauces for its unique flavor. In addition, cloves are widely used for medicinal purposes. Let’s take a look at the nutritional benefits of cloves .
Nutritional benefits of cloves
Cloves provide only about 50 calories per 100 grams of consumption. It is rich in carbohydrates and also contains high amount of protein and dietary fiber. In addition, cloves do not contain cholesterol and are still rich in many vitamins, such as Vitamin A , Vitamin C , Vitamin E and Vitamin K. Various minerals such as Sodium, Potassium , Calcium , Zinc , Iron , Copper, Magnesium and Manganese can be obtained from their consumption.
Benefits of Clove for Mouth: Clove oil is very beneficial for the mouth. It helps keep harmful microorganisms away from the mouth. Acetyl eugenol, beta-caryophyllene and vanillin, crategolic acids are the essential oils that are found in cloves, which can suppress tooth and gum bleeding. It can be applied directly to the affected area for immediate relief. It can be chewed after meals to remove bad breath and odor.
Cloves Improve Digestion: Cloves bitter taste helps activate digestive enzymes that aid in digestion of food. Flatulence can be avoided by its consumption. Eugenic acid and crategolic acid are the oils present in cloves that aid digestion. In addition, Cloves help in smoothing the muscular lining in the digestive tract and relaxing it, Feeling nausea can be avoided by chewing, Cloves for having a high fiber content can help in proper bowel movement and can prevent constipation.
Benefits of Clove for Throat: The essential oils present in Clove help in preventing fever and sore throat. They have anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that help keep germs away from the body. It also, helps in preventing phlegm from the respiratory system. Clove intake promotes sweating thus helps in reducing fever. In addition, cloves are often chewed slowly to provide relief from a sore throat and prevent coughing.
Cloves are Rich in Vitamins: Cloves are an important source of vitamin A and beta-carotene. They act as anti-oxidants and prevent harmful free radical damage. Vitamin A is helpful for vision and helps protect the retina. It even supports the mucous membrane in the body. They help improve the body’s immunity and aid in the development of lymphocytes. These cells help in fighting harmful microorganisms and viral infections.
Vitamin C present in cloves helps to rejuvenate and improve skin texture. It also has Vitamin B6 that helps improve memory and improves cognitive activities. Vitamin K helps protect the heart and improves bone health.
Other Benefits of Clove
- Cloves help in reducing hypotonic muscles and even diseases like multiple sclerosis.
- Cloves have been shown to be beneficial in lowering blood sugar levels. Eating one or two cloves daily can be beneficial for type 2 diabetes.
- Clove oil can be applied directly on the forehead to reduce headaches caused due to cold and migraines.
- Cloves help in improving blood circulation, which is important for proper functioning of organs and cells.
- Cloves have anti-inflammatory properties . It contains eugenol, which helps in reducing pain and swelling.