Top 8 Vitiligo Symptoms!

The Main Symptoms of Vitiligo. that should not be ignored as you have to be careful. In addition, Vitiligo  is a skin disease  that causes the loss of color in some areas of the skin , leaving white spots all over the body, especially on the hands, feet, knees, elbows and intimate region.

What is Vitiligo: Vitiligo arises  when cells that produce melanin, called melanocytes, die or stop producing melanin, which is the pigment that gives color to skin , hair ,  and eyes . So, check out Top 8 Vitiligo Symptoms:

Vitiligo Symptoms: The main sign of Vitiligo is the loss of skin pigmentation , usually with the appearance of spots all over the body.

  • Loss of pigmentation in the hair , eyelashes, eyebrows or beard
  • Loss of color in the tissues that line the inside of your mouth and nose (mucous membranes)
  • Loss or change in color of the inner layer of the eyeball (retina)
  • Discolored patches around the armpits, navel, genitals and rectum.
  • The disease can also vary in intensity.
  • The spots can appear all over the body, in the case of Generalized Vitiligo  (most common of all)
  • The spots can appear on only one side or part of the body, which constitutes a case of segmental vitiligo  . In these cases, the disease usually appears earlier and progresses over a year or two.
  • The disease can also affect only one part or area of ​​the body, which is characteristic of focal Vitiligo  .

It is difficult to predict how the disease will progress. Sometimes the spots stop spontaneously and without treatment. In some cases, however, the loss of skin pigment  spreads throughout the body. This, however, depends solely and exclusively on the patient. There is no way to predict how Vitiligo will evolve. Once the skin has lost its color , it is very rare and difficult for it to return to the color it had before.

Causes of Vitiligo: The causes of Vitiligo  are still unknown. What is known so far is that the disease occurs when melanin-forming cells (melanocytes) die or stop producing melanin – the pigment that gives skin , hair  and eyes color .

Doctors still can’t explain why melanocytes stop doing their job, but Vitiligo  is thought to be an autoimmune disease, in which a person’s own immune system attacks and destroys melanocytes.

Treatment of Vitiligo: Treatment for Vitiligo  should be guided by a dermatologist as it is necessary to test various forms of treatment, such as phototherapy or application of creams and ointments with corticosteroids and/or immunosuppressants, to understand the best option in each case.

In addition, it is still important to have some care, such as avoiding excessive sun exposure and using a sunscreen with a high protection factor, as the affected skin  is very sensitive and can burn easily.

OBS:  The most important thing is that people seek information, know the treatment options that can be used and, together with a professional they trust, start their treatment as soon as possible.

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