Sweet potato dumpling recipe with parsley!
The recipe for light sweet potato dumplings with parsley is super easy to prepare, and it becomes a fuel for our health, as it provides us with subsidies to carry out our daily tasks. Because if we don’t eat, we don’t have the strength or disposition to carry out the most banal activities, in addition to seriously compromising the performance of vital functions in our body.
Of course, the quality of the food ingested is fundamental, it’s no use simply eating. It is necessary to eat properly, providing the body with the nutrients necessary for its perfect functioning, without deficiencies or exaggerations.
A balanced diet, containing balanced fruits, cereals (including whole grains), vegetables, meats and milk , can contribute positively to the maintenance of the individual’s health. However, it is always good to emphasize that the diversity of foods is fundamental, as there are no complete foods capable of providing the body with the full range of nutrients required for its maintenance, preserving its health.
The best recipes are mainly salads, soups and juices, as they are foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals that provide satiety, prevent constipation , cleanse the body and combat fluid retention .
Recipe for light sweet potato muffin with parsley:
– 3 cups (tea) of boiled and squeezed sweet potato;
– 3 Tablespoons (soup) of oats ;
– 1 Egg ;
– Salt to taste;
– 1 cup (tea) of iced skimmed milk for breading;
– Whole wheat flour for breading;
– Margarine for greasing.
– 2 cups (tea) of fresh Minas cheese in cubes;
– Salt, chopped parsley and oregano to taste;
– 2 Tablespoons (soup) of olive oil .
Preparation mode:
- In a bowl, whisk together the sweet potato, oatmeal , egg and salt until smooth.
- In another bowl, mix the filling ingredients.
- Remove small portions of dough, place a cube of seasoned cheese in the middle and shape into balls.
- Dip in milk, wholemeal flour and place in a greased shape, one ball next to the other.
- Place in a preheated oven for 30 minutes, turning halfway through.
- Remove and serve.