Step by step to make cloth mask and protect yourself from coronavirus!

Step by step to make cloth mask and protect yourself from coronavirus economically at home. Also, this cloth mask doesn’t cost much and in a few minutes it’s ready.

With the lack of masks on the shelves of supermarkets and pharmacies, many people resorted to producing their own protective material. The Minister of Health said that cloth mask and protecting yourself from the  simple coronavirus, made at home, can be used by anyone as a form of prevention.

The minister also reinforced that surgical masks should be exclusive to hospitals, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Therefore, the cloth mask and protecting yourself from the coronavirus is an adjunct in the fight against COVID-19 is an alternative measure for those who do not have access to the surgical masks that are already in short supply in the main pharmacies.

Is cloth mask to protect yourself from coronavirus effective?

To be effective as a physical barrier, the Cloth Mask needs to meet the following specifications:

  • Have at least two layers of cloth;
  • to be individual;
  • Be made with cotton , tricoline, TNT or other fabrics;
  • They must be well sanitized (the ministry indicates soap and water or bleach in the wash after use);
  • Be made in the correct measurements: completely covering the mouth and nose and being well adjusted to the face, without leaving spaces on the sides.

What materials are used to make the cloth mask?


  • cotton fabric ;
  • TNT;
  • elastic bands;
  • Line and needle.

Step by step to make cloth mask:

Cut a piece of fabric 35 centimeters wide by 21 centimeters high. (In case the cloth mask and protect yourself from the coronavirus  is for a child, the measures should be replaced by 28 x 18 cm).

Fold the piece of cloth in half on the wrong side and mark 5 cm above each end of the cloth, in the “open” part of the fabric, where the cut was made. Sew from the edges to the 5 cm markings, with a sewing machine or by hand.

Then, after sewing, the mask will have a small gap between the seams. Fold the cloth so that the seam is in the middle of the fabric.

To secure the elastics, 10 cm each piece, use clothespins or pins in the fastening. They must be held together by the ends.

Then, sew the upper part of the fabric, completely closing this opening. Repeat the process on the other end.

With the opening between the middle seams, “unturn” the fabric, when you will notice a square with the elastics on the sides.

The horizontal opening in the middle of the mask will serve to insert the “filter”, which must be the 19 x 7 cm piece of TNT or another piece of the same cloth. Finish by making pleats at the bottom and top.

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