5 home remedies to eliminate hemorrhoids!

Home remedies to eliminate hemorrhoids are excellent for treating enlarged and inflamed veins in the anus that can cause pain and itching. Hemorrhoids can be internal, when they  are hidden inside the rectum, or external, when they are easily identified around the anus. Treatment depends on several factors, ranging from simple ointments to surgeries.

Today we are going to explain what hemorrhoids are, what are their main causes and what to do to avoid them. We will also talk about the symptoms, the differences between internal and external hemorrhoids  , the forms of diagnosis and treatment options, whether based on Home Remedies.

Causes of hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids  are a very common disorder . It is estimated that more than half of the population over 50 years of age suffer from this problem to varying degrees. The main risk factors are:

  • Constipation (constipation).
  • Also, effort to evacuate.
  • Obesity.
  • Also, chronic diarrhea.
  • Hold stools frequently, avoiding defecating whenever you feel like it.
  • Also, low fiber diet.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Also, anal sex.
  • Family history of hemorrhoids .
  • Also, smoking.
  • Liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension.
  • In addition, sitting on the toilet for long periods (some people think that the very design of the toilets favors the emergence of hemorrhoidal disease).

The habit of defecating in a crouch, very common in the Middle East and Asia, is associated with a lower incidence of hemorrhoids . On the other hand, sitting down, as most of us habitually do, seems to increase its incidence. Regardless of the risk factors, hemorrhoids  form when there is increased pressure in the hemorrhoidal veins or weakness in the tissues of the anus wall, responsible for supporting them.

Home remedies to eliminate hemorrhoids:

1. Horse chestnut:

Horse chestnut sitz bath improves circulation and relieves pain and discomfort caused by this condition. Hence, it is also among the top Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids:



  • Mix the ingredients and let it rest for ten minutes. When it cools down, place it in a basin and sit without underwear in the water  for 20 minutes. Repeat this home treatment for 5 days.

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2. Green clay:

This is also without a doubt one of the best Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids . In addition, the duration of application of the compresses varies, depending on the disorder being treated. To prepare the compresses, simply mix the clay with cold water  to obtain a cream. The compress can be applied with the help of gauze.

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3. Linseed:

Flaxseeds ingested regularly are considered one of the best remedies to eliminate hemorrhoids . In addition, they are beneficial for the intestines in case of constipation. They help keep the fecal matter softer and can make it less painful for you to evacuate in case of hemorrhoids.

Here’s one more reason not to forget to add flaxseeds  to your diet. In addition, flaxseed is also on the list to eliminate hemorrhoids .

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4. Cypress:

Also known as  Italian cypress, Mediterranean  cypress or simply common cypress , it is a plant rich in polyphenols and flavonoids. These substances exert an anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effect in hemorrhoidal crisis. In addition, cypress is not only one of the best for eliminating hemorrhoids , but it also helps to treat varicose veins and heavy legs.

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5. Psyllium:

Psyllium , whose scientific name is Plantago psyllium, is a fiber originating in the Mediterranean and Middle East. In addition, its seeds, in contact with water , produce a mucilage that helps to stabilize the intestine and make evacuation less difficult.

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