Top 13 Protein Sources

The Main Sources of Protein are diverse as Protein can be found in many places and in many different forms. Besides, when you talk about Food  Sources of Protein , a piece of meat immediately comes to mind, doesn’t it? The second option would probably be milk  and then eggs .

But know that vegetables are also excellent sources of protein . However, there are some differences between  proteins of animal and plant origin. Both have advantages and disadvantages. The benefit of vegetable protein is the absence of fat that is harmful to health .

Vegetables have the great advantage of not being accompanied by saturated fats, present in foods  of animal origin and harmful to health , whereas animal protein is known to be more complete. It has this reputation precisely because it contains all the essential amino acids in its composition. Protein   is made up of amido acids and the body  needs eight amino acids through food for the body to be able to produce the  Protein it needs. So check out now The Top 13 Protein Sources:

Main Sources of Animal Protein:  Meat, fish, eggs  and dairy products are in the group of  Proteins of animal origin, considered of high biological value. They are those that contain all the essential amino acids in good amounts. This means that any one of these foods  offers all the amino acids we need.  However, low-fat foods, such as skim milk  and lean meats, should be prioritizedbecause they are rich in saturated fat, if consumed in excess, they can accumulate fat in the body  and raise cholesterol . So, check out themost beneficial proteins for the body:

Fish:  They have  great quality protein , rich in essential amino acids, that is, which are not produced by the body. As for the fat content, although there are types of fish that are more fatty than others, we can say that it is a low-fat meat when compared to beef or pork.

Chicken:  In second place, we have this meat, but it is important to be careful to remove all the skin before consumption and to give preference to the chicken breast.

Pork:  Amazingly, today’s pork can already be considered healthy. According to research, pork, since the 1980s, has lost 31% fat, 14% calories and increased lean mass percentage. Therefore, we can include it in the  monthly menu more often.

Ox:  Despite having an excellent quality protein , it also has a large amount of saturated fat, which favors heart problems. Thus, it is not a food that can be consumed many times a week.

Main sources of protein :

  • beef
  • pork
  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • milk and dairy products

Main Sources of Vegetable Protein:  Some proteins do not contain certain essential amino acids in sufficient quantity and are calledincomplete or low biological value proteins . They are usually of plant origin. By associating protein vegetables with foods  of animal origin, the body obtains all the necessary amino acids. However, it is also possible to achieve this result by combining severalvegetable sources of protein .

A classic example is the ‘marriage’ of rice and beans. Rice is low in methionine and high in lysine, while beans  are high in methionine and low in linin, so one ends up compensating for the other. That way, what one vegetable lacks in amino acids can be found in another.

There are no amino acids that cannot be found in vegetables, so the important thing is to vary the menu , including different sources of vegetable protein . And rice and beans can be present every day, because in addition to the combination of amino acids, it still offers carbohydrates and vitamins .

Main sources of protein :

Proteins of vegetable  origin, mainly from legumes and whole grains, when combined, provide what is necessary for the body, especially if the individual has a varied diet.

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