Cinnamon recipe to lose 10 kg in 1 month!

The cinnamon recipe for weight loss works well, as this is a very easy drink to prepare and with great health benefits, it has several virtues.

  • Normalize cholesterol;
  • Control glucose and thus fight diabetes;
  • Accelerate metabolism, favoring weight loss;
  • Regularize menstruation;
  • Improve digestion;

But regular consumption of this drink can provide many more benefits to the body. And all because of the cinnamon.

According to research from the University of Texas, cinnamon holds promise for several neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, brain tumor and meningitis. Additionally, research has shown that cinnamon reduces the chronic inflammation associated with these neurological disorders.

In women, it helps to fight infertility, as it contains the substance cinaldehyde, which according to studies increases the hormone progesterone and decreases the production of testosterone in women, helping to balance hormones.

Publication of the American magazine shows that cinnamon can reduce the proliferation of cancer cells. In addition, cinnamon has been shown to be able to reduce the pain-related symptoms of arthritis.

Cinnamon has also been shown to be a good natural remedy to eliminate headaches and relieve migraines. In addition, in studies, cinnamon has been shown to be effective against ulcers, eliminating H. pylori bacteria and other pathogens.

And tests done at a university in Germany, with 30 people, came to the conclusion that those who ingested cinnamon daily improved memory and cognitive function. In addition, there are many, therefore, the virtues of cinnamon for weight loss . And all these qualities can be obtained in a very tasty way: consuming the refreshing cinnamon water.

Cinnamon recipe for weight loss:


  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon or three pieces of cinnamon stick (about the size of an index finger);
  • 1 liter of water;

Preparation mode:

  • Also, at night, close to sleep, put 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder or two pieces of cinnamon stick in 1 liter of water.
  • If you use powdered cinnamon, be aware that some brands sold in supermarkets are mixed with sugar (read the label to see if there is sugar or if it is pure cinnamon).
  • In addition, you will need to mix the ingredients well (with the help of a wooden spoon) if you use cinnamon powder.
  • If using cinnamon sticks, it is good to boil the pieces with a small amount of water, to sterilize and avoid possible contamination.
  • Also, put the water in the fridge and, the next day, drink at least two glasses of it.
  • The first one should be fasting.
  • Also, if you used cinnamon powder, before consuming the water, always shake the jar or bottle where it is stored.
  • Note: Some people say that cinnamon increases blood pressure; others say no. If you are hypertensive, to be on the safe side, avoid cinnamon or discuss it with your skin doctor .

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