Omicron variant: prevention and how do virus mutations arise?

The omicron variant was first reported in South Africa on November 24, 2021, and it is rapidly spreading around the world.

Additionally, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Ômicron as a variant of COVID-19 concern based on preliminary evidence that it spreads rapidly.

Severity and transmissibility of the Ômicron variant:

The severity associated with the Omicron variant is still unknown, but initial reports indicate mild disease, at least in the younger population.

In addition, experts around the world are closely monitoring it to see if it is more likely to lead to serious illness compared to previous variants. [1]

However, it must be stressed that health security measures must be strengthened and the use of masks cannot be neglected in any way, said the executive manager of SAMS, Queila Pavani.

How virus mutations arise:

All viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, change over time, so the more opportunities a virus has to spread, the more chances it has to replicate and change.

In addition, mutation is a natural and evolutionary process, even more so if the organism in question has ribonucleic acid (RNA, the genetic material of the virus) in its constitution, as is the case with SARS-CoV-2.

Therefore, mutations happen when the virus adapts to the environment to survive.

However, when invading a cell, the virus delivers its genetic material to the ribosomes, structures in which the cell’s proteins are produced.

In addition, ribosomes assemble copies of the virus and whenever this happens, there is a chance that an error will occur in the replica.

In this way, one or another mutation can give the virus an advantage and, when passed on, it will produce copies that already have this advantage, becoming a variant.

The less the virus is transmitted, the less likely it is to mutate. For this reason, protective measures such as wearing masks and hand hygiene, avoiding crowds and vaccine against covid-19 , are initiatives that work against all variants.

In addition, there are thousands of genetic variations of the original virus that caused Covid-19 , but not all of them are lethal or contagious. [two]

Most common symptoms of this virus are extreme tiredness, body aches, headache and sore throat .

Ways to prevent the omicron variant:

Prevention of the omicron variant should be done like washing hands with soap and water, however, if soap and water is not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

In addition, it is also important to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, avoid close contact with sick people, avoid sharing cups, plates or other personal items. [3]

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