Omicron variant: increases in coronavirus variant cases
The advancement of the omicron variant is responsible for the recent increase in Covid-19 cases in Brazil.
In addition, unlike the other variants, the omicron has been shown to be the dominant virus with high transmissibility. [1]
Omicron is a variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus , responsible for two-thirds of new Covid-19 cases in Europe.
It also poses a 50% to 60% lower risk of hospitalization and death than earlier strains such as Delta .
For this reason, vaccination in children is especially important because the micron has increased the so-called intrafamilial contamination: inside the home.
In addition, if the concern with contamination has always been greater from the door of the house out, with the micron it is a little different.
For the World Health Organization says that cases of transmission within the family increased with the emergence of the variant. [two]
How the omicron variant is transmitted:
The omicron variant can be transmitted during a handshake (followed by touching the eyes, nose or mouth), through coughing, sneezing and respiratory droplets containing the virus.
In addition, the omicron is transmitted in the same way as other respiratory viruses by three modes: contact, droplets or aerosol.
Contact transmission:
Transmission by contact occurs through direct contact with an infected person (for example, during a handshake followed by touching the eyes, nose, or mouth).
This type of transmission can also occur through objects and surfaces contaminated with the virus.
Droplet transmission:
This type of transmission occurs through exposure to expelled respiratory droplets, containing virus, by an infected person when they cough or sneeze.
In addition, this occurs mainly when she is less than 1 meter away from the other.
Aerosol transmission:
Aerosol transmission occurs through respiratory droplets (aerosols) containing viruses.
In addition, aerosols can remain suspended in the air, be carried over distances greater than 1 meter and for longer periods (usually hours).
These circumstances include:
– Staying indoors with multiple people may have been exposed to an infected person at the same time.
– Staying in enclosed spaces within which several people may have been exposed to an infected person at the same time.
– Inadequate ventilation leads to the accumulation of small droplets and suspended respiratory particles.
Virus incubation period:
The incubation period of the omicron variant is estimated to be between 1 and 14 days.
Transmissibility period of the omicron variant:
Transmission of the omicron variant can occur directly, through contact with infected people, or indirectly through contact with surfaces or objects used by the infected person.
In addition, most transmissions occur from symptomatic people to others.
However, many patients can transmit the disease during the incubation period, usually 48 hours before the onset of symptoms.
Above all, these people are infected and shedding viruses , but have not yet developed symptoms (presymptomatic transmission).
In addition, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), asymptomatic individuals are much less likely to transmit the virus than those who develop symptoms. [3]