10 Natural Remedies for Dry Eye Syndrome!
Natural remedies for dry eye syndrome that you will know now, because having dry eyes is, as the name implies, an eye dryness that can affect people of all ages, however, the greater predominance occurs among women, for reasons menopausal or pre-menopausal hormones.
They are generally characterized by the lack of tear production, which causes the eye to become dry (little moisture). Here we will know a little more about the problem and seek practical and easy solutions through our Home Remedies tips.
Natural remedies for dry eye syndrome:
1. Lavender Oil:
Those who like herbal products might consider lavender oil to deal with dry eyes. All you need to do is take some warm water and add a few drops of lavender oil to it. Soak and squeeze two cotton balls in the solution and place them on your closed eyelids. This trick will help you regain lost moisture.
2. Apply a warm cloth to your eyes:
Moisten a clean cloth in warm water and bring it to your eyes. Close them and keep the cloth over them for five minutes. Re-moisten the cloth with warm water if it gets cold.
3. Tea bags:
Dry eye tea can also offer similar benefits as lavender oil . You need to follow the same procedure as described above, but use tea bags. Just place the tea bags on your closed eyelids for about 5 to 7 minutes in order to get positive results with this method.
4. Cucumber slice:
Placing cucumber slices on each eyelid can relax the eyes, thus stimulating the moisture content in the eyes can also be a good treatment for dry eye.
5. Omega 3:
It can be found in fish such as salmon and mackerel, and can also be consumed in supplement form to treat dry eye.
6. Tamarind Seeds:
Tamarind seeds are another natural remedy for dry eye syndrome . Soak some tamarind seeds in warm water and use the seed extract to find relief.
7. Hot compress :
A warm compress can stimulate the oil glands that promote moisture in the eyes, thus helping to find comfort from the situation. you need to use a wet cloth on your closed eyelids.
Your best bet would be to use this method as soon as you wake up in the morning. Try this several times a day, dedicating 5 minutes to each session.
8. Allergy:
There aren’t many people out there who are aware of the fact that they can also be the result of an allergic reaction. You should stop using products that contribute to dry eyes.
9. Environmental factors:
As they say, “Prevention is better than cure”. Environmental factors like sun and wind can result in dry eyes. You should consider wearing sunglasses while venturing outside the four walls of the house.
10. Perform milk rinses:
Milk contains several enzymes that can help you soothe and relax your eye muscles. To do this, moisten a piece of clean cotton in cold milk. Place it on your closed eyelids and let it act for 10 minutes.