The 6 Most Used Remedies To Treat Rheumatism!

The Most Used Remedies to Treat Rheumatism in Bones. In addition, the time has come to understand what this problem is and how it compromises quality of life. Prepared? Localized pain, difficulty lifting the arms or problems lifting heavy objects can be symptoms of rheumatic diseases , those that affect the joints and their components, such as muscles, cartilage and tendons.The term Rheumatism is mistakenly seen by many as a disease , however, it is correct to designate it as rheumatic disorders, which can be divided into several types.

There is a disease called Rheumatism . This is a name used for any disease or condition that causes pain in the joints, bones, muscles and osteoarticular system in general. In fact, when we talk about rheumatic diseases , we are talking about more than 100 different diseases .

Each of them has its own characteristics with totally different causes, symptoms and evolution”. As difficult as the exact diagnosis is at the beginning, it is possible, through the doctor’s request, to carry out laboratory tests to identify the disease . Thus, the faster the problem is recognized, the greater the chances of successful treatment.

Symptoms of Rheumatism:  Although rheumatism can last a lifetime, the symptoms are intermittent, meaning they come and go and can progress over time.

  • When symptoms appear, the disease is said to be active, at which time the patient may exhibit:
  • Pain and swelling in the joints (feet, hands and knees);
  • Fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • Stiffness in the inflamed area;
  • Fever;
  • Rheumatoid nodules;
  • Elevated temperature in the affected region.

Even at the beginning of the disease there may be deformation of the joints, which may or may not be accompanied by all of the above symptoms.

Main Diseases of Rheumatism:  As already explained, the word Rheumatism has no specific clinical correspondence. However, when this term is used, people are usually thinking of some of the myriad conditions that cause joint pain. Among the most common are arthritis (also called osteoarthritis), rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and fibromyalgia.

Contrary to what happens with cardiac and gastrointestinal problems, for example, in which there is a definition of which organs the diseases affect the body, Rheumatism does not generate such certainty of diagnosis. This is because many people believe that rheumatic diseases are responsible for affecting the osteoarticular system, but this is not always true, as many patients may not have joint or bone complaints, but rather in organs such as kidneys and lungs.

Furthermore, anyone who thinks that rheumatic problems are specific to elderly people is wrong. This is because another disorder that is also part of this group of diseases is rheumatic fever, which mainly affects children, starting the problem by the heart, and may later have cardiac involvement.

Among the factors that can trigger rheumatic diseases are obesity, advanced age, activities that require continuous effort (work, physical exercise), in addition to genetic factors.

How to Detect Rheumatism:  Because it is defined as a set of diseases , Rheumatism does not present a specific exam for its diagnosis. Thus, the doctor needs to evaluate the symptoms presented and analyze the patient’s clinical history.

The fundamental thing is that, when feeling the discomforts characteristic of rheumatic diseases , the person seeks professional help, because early diagnosis is one of the best ways to prevent possible complications of the diseases and guarantee quality of life for longer.

Treatment for Rheumatism:  Even though it is not possible to say that rheumatism is curable, it is important to know that treatment involves a combination of medicines and supplements, strengthening exercises, rest, joint protection, family support and dietary changes. So, check out now The 6 Most Used Remedies To Treat Rheumatism:

Medicines to Treat Rheumatism:  Currently, two types of medicines are used to treat Rheumatism :

  • Fast-acting medications:  Also known as first-line medications (such as Aspirin and Cortisone ), they are used to reduce pain and reduce inflammation;
  • Disease Activity Modifying Drugs (DMARDs) : They take a little longer to take effect, but they promote a remission of Rheumatism and prevent further damage to the joints.
  • Examples of DMARDs to treat rheumatic diseases include Methotrexate , Hydroxychloroquine and Leflunomide . Methotrexate is often the first drug used to treat rheumatism , usually in conjunction with a corticosteroid to reduce pain caused by inflammation.
  • Anti-inflammatories:  Ibuprofen, aspirin, diclofenac or colchicine;
  • Analgesics:  Acetominophen or acetaminophen;
  • Methotrexate:  Usually, one of the  most used Remedies to treat Rheumatism in these cases is Methotrexate, a strong medication indicated for those who suffer from the diseases in question.
  • Acetominophen: as adjunctive therapy for short-term administration in inflammatory joint processes such as: psoriatic arthritis (inflammation of the joints associated with psoriasis of the skin); rheumatoid arthritis (chronic joint inflammation)

How to Prevent Rheumatism:  Some habits are capable of alleviating the symptoms of diseases and delaying their onset, however, rheumatic diseases have no cure. The individual who will develop Rheumatism has a genetic pattern that will favor the appearance of the problem.

That is, if the person was born with a genetic load capable of stimulating the onset of arthritis, for example, after a few years this disease will appear, since there is still no means in medicine to avoid this situation . popular way of naming any joint involvement without defining the real diagnosis of the patient”.

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