Mango fattening or slimming, how to use and recipes!

Mango fattening or slimming is a doubt that bothers a lot, this fruit is native to Southeast Asia and India and is now cultivated in tropical climates. The rind is green and becomes red and/or yellow as it ripens, its pulp is an intense yellow, with a sweet flavor and fibrous texture, which vary.

Nutritional value of mango:

A 100g serving provides only 50 Kcal, being approximately 13g of carbohydrates , 1g of protein and has no significant amount of fat.

In addition, it is extremely rich in fiber , in 100g we find 2g of fiber. An average mango weighs around 300 to 400g. So a good tip is to cut and measure the amount per cup, so you can get a better idea of ​​how much you are ingesting.

What are the health benefits of mango?

1. Works as an antibacterial:

Mango also works as an antibacterial. Therefore, consumption can help in cleaning the bacteria present in the intestines.

2. Helps in weight loss:

In addition, it is also rich in dietary fiber. Therefore, it helps in the metabolism of the body by increasing the digestive capacity, it also contains less sugar, therefore, it does not increase the sugar or fat content in the body.

3. Improves the immune system:

Due to the amount of vitamin C , it helps in maintaining a healthy immune system. It improves the body by preventing the onset of disease.

The amount of vitamin C is also good for maintaining a healthy body and preventing infections in the body.

4. Has antioxidant action:

It contains an antioxidant called zeaxanthin. It helps in reducing the effects of free radicals against pollution and helps the human body in the regeneration of a good cell.

5. Improves liver health:

Additionally, mango can help in maintaining liver health by increasing bile acid secretion. This helps in eliminating the toxin from the body. Therefore, it improves the liver system.

6. Fight azia:

Chewing a mango helps in reducing acidity in the digestive system. Therefore, it is good to avoid heartburn.

7. Fight morning sickness:

Pregnant women who consume mango help in reducing morning sickness. The sour taste relieves the feeling of nausea.

8. Fights gum disease:

Vitamin C  helps in curing many problems such as gum disease. This helps in relieving the gums and prevents bleeding.

9. Anti-aging:

Due to its antioxidant capacity , it provides anti-aging benefits. This prevents premature aging. It also produces collagen and resulting in younger looking skin .

How much mango can I eat a day?

A 300 gram fruit is approximately 180 grams, that is, 1/3 of a mango with 100 grams has approximately 60 calories, which is very easy to consume in a day.

The problem with eating mango is that a lot of people start eating and don’t stop, especially at night when eating mango makes you fat , even more so if in excess.

Is mango slimming or fattening?

Despite containing carbohydrates, use mango as a substitute for other caloric meals, such as morning and afternoon snacks such as pasta, bread, cookies and fatty foods.

In addition, it contains carbohydrates , but in low density. So, even eating a reasonable amount, which leads to satiety, the amount of calories ingested will be low.

This helps create the caloric deficit needed to burn off those extra pounds. In addition, it is a rich source of fiber , which gives satiety by increasing gastric emptying time. One of the fibers is able to decrease the absorption of sugar and cholesterol .

Mango recipes for weight loss:

1. Vitamin Manga:


– 1 glass of milk;
– 2 sliced ​​ripe mangoes;
– Ice cubes;
– Honey or stevia to sweeten.

Preparation method:

  1. Blend the ingredients in the blender
  2. Take to follow.
  3. If you prefer, just beat the mango  and milk and then strain and then beat again with the ice cubes to make it colder, creamy and refreshing.

2. Musse de manga:


– 12 grams of unflavored powdered gelatin;
– a can of light cream ;
– 1 pot of skimmed natural yogurt;
– 1 glass of natural mango juice (without straining).

Preparation method:

  1. In a small bowl, hydrate the gelatin according to the manufacturer’s directions (which are on the package).
  2. Bring the mixture to medium heat (170°C to 190°C) in a water bath until the gelatine completely dissolves.
  3. In another container, place the light cream, low-fat natural yogurt, mango juice and gelatin and stir well.
  4. Place the mousse in the fridge for approximately 1 hour or until the cream has a firm consistency.
  5. If you prefer, serve the dessert garnished with a cherry.

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