Major Causes of Hypothyroidism Ignored!
The main causes of hypothyroidism should be known as it is a problem in which the thyroid gland does not produce hormones. Enough thyroids the body needs. It affects more women, increasing cases with advancing age; surveys show that 5 million Brazilians have Hypothyroidism . The thyroid gland is an organ of the endocrine system and is located in the anterior region of the neck, around the trachea.
And even with its average size being 15 ml (less than half a disposable coffee cup) it is responsible for the production of two hormones: Triodothyronine (T3) and Tetraiodothyronine (T4). Check out what Causes Hypothyroidism now.
News of the week:
Thyroid disease is incredibly common. One of the first things patients should keep in mind is that it is critical to determine the cause of the problem. Why your thyroid doesn’t work optimally in the first place.
Drugs can be helpful in relieving symptoms, but in the vast majority of cases, the reason for the origin is often ignored. This article will discuss the 6 causes of hypothyroidism that are overlooked by doctors.
Main causes of hypothyroidism:
Chronic stress:
Chronic stress is one of the main causes of hypothyroidism here ‘s why: Our bodies and minds are bombarded with stressors daily. These stressors can include emotional and mental stressors, but also chemical, biochemical and mechanical stressors that put our bodies on high alert for a long period of time. As these stressors build up, our bodies get tired of controlling them.
Imagine an annoying group of neighbors knocking on your door several times a day. If these neighbors keep doing this over and over again for many years, you will be so upset that you will no longer answer your door. You will close and it won’t matter if someone knocks on your door. Likewise, our cells don’t want to be constantly bombarded and harassed with the door slamming daily.
This “unresponsiveness” of cells is what leads to harmful consequences such as hormonal imbalances. Learning to deal with all types of stress is essential to preventing burnout. Here are some strategies that should be considered daily to avoid the causes of hypothyroidism :
- Environmental exposure: Avoid harsh chemicals present in products such as makeup, personal care products, and plastics (eg, water bottles, plastic containers).
- Dietary exposure: Avoid industrialized products if making changes to organic products.
- Mental strain: Take breaks when sitting at your desk at work, as mechanical stress and postural problems can also affect health .
Leaky gut syndrome:
An estimated 70-80% of causes of hypothyroidism are caused by an autoimmune problem called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. A leaky gut is the most common cause of autoimmune disease. A leaky gut is when the lining of the intestinal wall becomes leaky, allowing foreign substances to enter the bloodstream. The body then sees these proteins as invaders and produces antibodies to fight the causes of hypothyroidism .
In the case of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, a process known as molecular mimicry is a contributing factor. For example, the gluten protein known as gliadin is similar in structure to proteins, which are present on the surface of thyroid cells . The body then creates antibodies against normal thyroid cells.
Specifically, thyroxine peroxidase and thyroglobulin antibodies attack proteins on the surface of thyroid cells , after they have been activated due to protein toxins entering the bloodstream through a leaky gut .
If you have antibodies that work against any of your own cells, you most likely have a leaky gut . It is important to see your doctor for laboratory tests.
Chemical and food sensitivity:
One of the causes of hypothyroidism consist of certain chemicals and foods that can cause us to have overactive immune systems as our bodies try to protect us. The way to combat these chemicals is to simply reduce the risk of exposure. Here are some of the main changes you should follow to avoid causing hypothyroidism :
- Eat organic fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid the most common allergenic foods: grains that contain gluten, dairy products, peanuts and other legumes and nightshade vegetables.
- If you decide to consume meat, make sure you are not eating antibiotics or hormones and are free-range, wild or grass-fed animals.
- Reduce exposure to plastics and cut down on microwave use.
- Eliminate environmental sources of mold in your home and/or workplace.
Good nutritional status:
One of the causes of hypothyroidism is poor diet. We’ve all heard the phrase “you are what you eat”. Also, the reality is: “you are what you digest”. If your digestion is not optimal, your cells will not be able to absorb all the important vitamins, minerals and micronutrients.
They can’t produce enough energy to protect you from the chemical compounds and infections that can lead to poor disease and autoimmune diseases, like Hashimoto’s. A great test to check the functional status of nutrients is an organic acid test. Talk to a functional physician about having this test done.
The decisions we make daily determine our longevity and quality of life. Also, making good lifestyle choices is paramount to creating a habit of being healthy. Your food choices, clothing choices, choice of friends, choice of daily activity levels, choice of personal care products, etc. contribute to a healthy body.
Confidential infections:
One of the causes of autoimmune hypothyroidism is a sneaky gut infection . Also, this is an overgrowth in our gut that consists of bacteria, viruses, parasites, yeast, and fungi , which can trigger a stress response from the body, which can give us chronic stress.
Useful links:
Bacteria overgrowth can enter the small intestine , leading to a leaky gut. Also, the overgrowth of parasites, viruses and yeast can lead to nutritional deficiencies that can spread through our body. This overgrowth and stealth infections are stressors that are ignored by doctors when looking for Causes of Hypothyroidism , such as autoimmune thyroid disease.