Liver Cyst – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Liver Cyst – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments  we should all know. In addition, the  liver cyst  does not usually have serious consequences, but it must be monitored to analyze its growth, and it can evolve into something more serious. Liver cyst , also known as hepatic cyst, is characterized as a blister, filled with fluid, that appears on the inside of the organ and usually does not present any symptoms or changes in the body. This type of cyst is detected in routine exams and, in most cases, is not serious and does not represent a sign of cancer . However, if there is a significant increase in size, it can be considered dangerous.

Liver cysts can be characterized as:

  • Simple Cyst:  Also called a hemangioma, it is less than 5 cm in diameter and usually does not cause symptoms and does not need treatment.
  • Hydatid Cyst: Caused by parasites that are transmitted by contaminated food or water and cause nodules in the liver. Most treatment is surgical.
  • Neoplastic Cyst:  Considered the rarest type, it can be malignant or benign and larger in size than the others.

Only a hepatologist can evaluate each case and identify the type of liver cyst . Through the diagnosis, he will know how to indicate the best treatment.

Major Causes of Liver Cyst:  The exact cause of liver cyst is unknown. Some experts say they can be present at birth, while others believe that they are caused by certain diseases, among which there are:

Caroli’s Disease:  Characterized by recurrent bacterial inflammation of the bile duct, the formation and dilation of intrahepatic bile ducts.

Congenital Liver Fibrosis (present at birth):  A rare inherited disorder characterized by an irregular shape of the bile ducts and the formation of fibrous tissue that contains multiple cysts.
Congenital hepatic fibrosis is often associated with kidney failure.

Common Biliary Duct Cysts:  Congenital anomalies of the bile ducts.

In rare cases, liver cyst can indicate a serious condition such as polycystic liver disease (an inherited disorder associated with multiple cysts of various sizes), echinococcosis (parasite infection) , or liver cancer .

Major Symptoms of Liver Cyst:  Almost 95% of liver cyst cases do not have any symptoms. However, if the liver cysts have grown to a large size, then you may see some symptoms. The most commonly observed symptoms of liver cyst is abdominal pain. Yes, abdominal pain is mostly seen in people with liver cyst .

For some, the pain is severe, while for some, it may occur at short intervals. There have been cases where the person feels a sharp pain in the back or upper right abdomen which can be a sign of bleeding from  the liver cyst . A rare condition is usually swelling of the liver, causing discomfort to the person.

Here is a list of some of the possible liver cyst symptoms :

  • Cysts causes rash, bleeding and severe pain.
  • Nausea and dizziness.
  • Bile duct problems.

How to Treat Liver Cysts:  The treatments indicated vary according to the type of cyst and its degree of development in the liver. Being in good size and not compromising any part of the organ, removal is the most indicated procedure, as the process is simpler and faster. The surgery is performed in the least invasive way possible, with the patient sedated locally or completely, with general anesthesia. A probe will be responsible for aspirating the cyst.

Another way is to force its dilution through the body through medication, a very common procedure that in cases of small cysts is well recommended if the patient responds quickly to the treatment in its first days. A remedy is indicated to force the body to absorb the foreign organ, causing the body to get rid of the problem clearly, expelling it naturally via normal waste.

The most serious cases may involve surgery to remove a piece of the liver, when a part of the cells and vessels is compromised. Depending on the position, it is necessary to leave the cyst in the same place so that it does not cause future problems. In some patients, it is preferable not to move the organ or, in lack of care for more than years and absurd sizes, a transplant may be preferable, because the removal can cause the death of the organ.

Prevention of Liver:  There is no other way out, since the cyst is usually asymptomatic, other than having regular exams and going to the doctor’s office. Having a check up periodically is important not only in the case of a cyst, but also to avoid further health complications such as high blood pressure, heart problems and the emergence of tumors.

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