Top 5 Symptoms of Kidney Stone
The Main Symptoms of Kidney Stone that should not be ignored. In addition, kidney stone, also known as Renal Stone or renal lithiasis, is a very common disease, caused by the crystallization of mineral salts present in the urine. In addition, renal colic crisis is one of the most painful events that a patient can experience during their lifetime. The pain caused by kidney stones is often described as being worse than that of childbirth, bone fracture , gunshot wounds, or burns.
Causes of Kidney Stones: Kidney stones are formed when the urine has greater than normal amounts of certain substances, such as calcium , oxalate and uric acid, or that have a decrease in the amount of some factors that would prevent the agglomeration of these crystals, for example. the citrate. These substances can precipitate and form small crystals that will later coalesce and turn into stones. So, check out the Top 5 Symptoms of Kidney Stone:
Symptoms of Kidney Stone:
- Cramping that starts in the lower back and migrates to other areas
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- blood in the urine
- nausea and vomiting
- I want to pee all the time
Risk factors:
- Male sex (the problem affects three times more men, especially between 20 and 40 years old)
- Salt abuse in food
- Excessive intake of foods rich in calcium and proteins
- little liquid in the diet
- High temperatures (a lot of perspiration and lack of adequate hydration make the urine more concentrated, increasing the agglomeration of particles)
- Obesity
- Hypertension
- genetic predisposition
Treatment of Kidney Stone: When it is small, the stone is usually expelled naturally. Simply increase the amount of fluid ingested or, if the doctor thinks it is necessary, injected into the vein. From 1 centimeter in diameter, procedures come into action to fragment the Kidney Stone and enable its elimination. One of the options is extracorporeal lithotripsy, the least aggressive for the organism. In it, electromagnetic waves destroy solid material.
In the traditional percutaneous technique, an incision is made in the patient’s back and a device penetrates the skin until it reaches the kidney to remove the Kidney Stone . The procedure requires hospitalization of up to five days for recovery.