The 7 Important Signs of a Weak Immune System!

The Important Signs of a Weak Immune System . Also, if you get sick often, feel tired, or have other ongoing symptoms that you just can’t explain, it could mean you have a weak immune system . And there are several reasons for this.

Your immune system is your body’s defense against infections and other harmful invaders. Without it, you constantly get sick from germs like bacteria or viruses. Your immune system is made up of special cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect you.

What are the Signs of a Weak Immune System?


Fatigue is one of the main symptoms of a weak immune system . It’s a subjective feeling of tiredness, but if you’re constantly exhausted or get tired easily, it could be a sign that your immune function isn’t very good.

Cortisol level plays an important role in regulating the immune system, elevated or reduced cortisol has an adverse effect on the immune system, which leads to fatigue. Some autoimmune diseases also lead to fatigue.

Frequent infections:

One of the symptoms of a weak immune system is increased susceptibility to infections. You may have infections that are more frequent, longer lasting, or more difficult to treat than infections of someone with a normal immune system. This means that your immune system is overworked and cannot fight invading viruses and bacteria as it should.

Cold and sore throat:

If you often catch a cold, are sensitive to cold, and have a frequent sore throat, you likely have a weak immune system. A low or weak immune system does not allow the body to fight off common, everyday infections such as a cough, cold, and sore throat.


Allergies happen when the immune system reacts abnormally to harmless substances such as dust, mold or pollen. The immune system can overreact by producing antibodies that can attack the allergen. If you feel wheezing, itchy, runny nose, watery or itchy eyes, it means your immune system is low and you are overdoing the allergen.

Lesions that take time to heal:

A healthy immune system can greatly improve the body’s ability to recover, reducing the risk of infection. Our skin is the first line of defense against invading viruses and bacteria. If the immune system is weak , the bacteria, which dominate the wound and start to multiply, can infect the skin and the healing phase is prolonged.

Digestive problems:

The health of your gut bacteria and the health of your immune system are vitally linked. When your gut bacteria are balanced, your immune system is also balanced. But when it’s out of balance, so is your immune system. Food sensitivities are one of the main signs and causes of an immune system imbalance.

Food, specifically undigested protein, looks like a virus or bacteria and our immune system creates antibodies to fight it. If you suffer from digestive problems like diarrhea, stomach infections and nausea on a recurring basis, it is a sign that your immune system may be weakened.

Bacteria and cells live in your gut, which are an important part of your immune system; therefore, if all is not well, it is likely that your immunity is not so good either.


Anemia is a condition where there is a decrease in total red blood cells or hemoglobin or a reduced ability of blood cells to carry oxygen and this can happen when the immune system is compromised.

The weak immune system sometimes mistakes healthy red blood cells for foreign bodies and attacks and destroys red blood cells, which can lead to anemia. Symptoms include feeling tired, weak, short of breath, or not being able to exercise.

hair loss:

Hair loss or alopecia areata is a condition that usually affects the scalp. Alopecia areata causes one or more patches of hair loss.

It is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system is overworked and attacks the hair follicles, which causes hair loss. A serious form of this is alopecia areata it can also cause loss of eyelashes and eyebrows. Therefore, if you are losing hair in patches, it is highly likely that you have a weak immune system.

Joint pain:

Of all the weak immune system symptoms, joint pain can be a result of immune system imbalance. Conditions like arthritis (rheumatoid, reactive, psoriatic) are caused when you have a faulty immune system.

A compromised immune system can trigger autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis for an unknown reason where the immune system attacks healthy tissue causing lasting damage to good cells in the body. Joint symptoms are joint swelling, redness, heat, stiffness, pain and fever.

Mouth ulcers:

Today, one of the main causes of mouth ulcers among adults is stress, and this is one of the main symptoms of a weak immune system . If there is any weakness or breakage of the skin on the cheek, lip or tongue and your immune system is low, it is more likely that there is an ulcer.

What to do when immunity is low?

People who have a weak immune system can take several steps to maximize their chances of staying healthy and avoiding infections.

  • Good Hygiene;
  • Avoid sick people;
  • Disinfect household objects;
  • Manage stress;
  • Get Vaccinated;
  • Get enough sleep;
  • Eat a healthy diet;
  • Exercise regularly;
  • Take Multivitamins.

Which tea boosts immunity?

The demand for tea to fight a weak immune system is growing every day, due to the fact that many people are feeling weak, as if their body is in need of more strength. All this for the simple fact that the body may be lacking vitamins.

To prepare tea from this powerful plant, just boil water and separate some leaves from the plant.

Put the water and the leaves in a cup and let it rest for about 5 minutes;
After that, strain and drink the tea (you can drink it several times a day).

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