How to Remove Pimples on Eyelids

Pimples on eyelids can happen to anyone at any point in life. These types of pimples occur when the oil glands in the eyelids are contaminated. Sometimes an attack of bacteria can be another reason for these types of pimples . A pimple can appear in the areas surrounding the eyes and on the upper or lower eyelids. A pimple inside the eyelids is also a common experience.

Unlike the common types of pimples on the face or chin, eyelid pimples usually do not grow in many numbers. However, they are quite painful no matter where they form. One can easily avoid this irritable annoyance on the skin when you are aware of the causes, symptoms and treatment solutions of pimples on eyelids.

Before seeking any treatment, relax! A pimple on the eyelid is an unwelcome guest for three or four days. You may have to put up with the pain for two days, as normally a pimple disappears within five days. The pain does not last longer than two to three days. So, you shouldn’t panic if you discover a pimple on your eyelid.

Avoid cleaning your face and eyes with water while you have a pimple on your eyelid . Clean the eyelashes with a wet cotton ball twice a day. Soak this piece of cotton wool in warm water. You can add any mild shampoo to warm water for better results. If you have a sore eye, apply a damp, clean, warm cloth to your closed eyelids for fifteen minutes. Try to do this three times a day, in the morning, in the afternoon and before going to bed at night. The warm compression method is the ideal solution for pain relief.

Sometimes, you may experience repeated pimples on your eyelids . In this case, you can apply any antibiotic cream for faster results. Antibiotic eyelid creams are quite helpful in preventing a future recurrence of the eyelid. The best time to apply an ointment is at night, before bed. Be sure to clean the area in the morning with a wet cotton ball.

Eyelid pimples can lead to gland congestion sometimes due to excess fluid excretion. Simple and painless surgery is the best solution to get rid of such an infection. Last but not least, take good care of your eyelids along with your eyes. Remove eye makeup. like mascara or eyeliner, before going to sleep every day.

Like a Pimple on Eyelids and Shape? If you are aware of the causes of an eyelid pimple , you must be aware how to avoid the same. The main cause behind the birth of a pimple is the attack of bacteria called staph. Bacteria get inside the oil glands, eyelashes through the nose and lead to excessive lubrication of the tear films.

Most pimples on eyelid go away naturally within a few days without any treatment. However, the need for healing becomes stronger due to the pain that is caused in the affected person.

Does Eyelid Pimple Affect Vision? Although painful, pimples on eyelids are less harmful. One may experience redness with irritation of the eyes when having pimples . However, a pimple on the eyelid does not affect vision at least. However, a lump on the eyelid, whose other name is chalazion, can affect marginal vision at times, although on rare occasions.

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