How to Remove Blackheads with School Glue
How to Remove Blackheads with School Glue is a great option for those who want to get rid of Blackheads, which are a big nuisance for a lot of people. In addition, blackheads are always a nuisance in the look, when it’s time to even out the skin before makeup or take that selfie closer. But, if you can’t resort to a facial in a professional aesthetic procedure, you can use some homemade recipes with ingredients from your own pantry.
What are Blackheads: Blackheads are those black polka dots that usually appear on the tip and sides of the nose. They are very common, even more in oily skins . Blackheads are formed when sebum ( fat produced by the skin’s sebaceous glands) is trapped in the skin pores along with other dirt. Over time, this trapped fat oxidizes and turns black, literally clogging your pore. Blackheads arefound on the oiliest parts of the face, especially the sides of the nose, forehead and chin. Those who have very oily skin may even have blackheads on their cheeks and nose tip.
How Blackheads Form: The process of blackhead formationbegins inside the sebaceous follicle – a structure within the skin where the hair roots and sebaceous glands are located, which produce the natural fat that protects the skin from drying out. The opening of this follicle is what we call a pore in the skin . When it clogs, it makes the fat accumulate in the place. When the clogged pore is large, the stored fat has greater contact with the air and oxidizes, forming a black “cap” – open blackheads .
Wider pores, in which there is stored fat , leads to the formation of blackheads that usually will not develop into acne later. In narrower pores, there is less contact between the fat and the air, so the black spot created by oxidation does not appear. On the other hand, some bacteria proliferate at the site and start to feed on the stored fat . These type of blackheads are the so-called white spot (or closed blackheads ), which can lead to the development of the spine.
How to Remove Blackheads with School Glue: To treat Blackheads there are many treatments that promise to remove Blackheads. However, to remove the Carnations in a simple and cheap way, a great alternative is the White School Glue, which can be found in any stationery store and supermarket. So check now How to Remove Blackheads with School Glue:
- school queue
How to Use Glue to Remove Blackheads:
- Wash your face well with a soap, and in warm water to open the pores well.
- Dry your face well with a towel.
- Apply a layer of glue on the area affected by blackheads , it can be nose, chin, etc.
- Let the glue dry and apply another coat of glue.
- Let it dry completely.
- Once dry, carefully pull the glue.
- Look at the glue and several Carnations will be glued to it.