How to Get Rid of Kidney Stones with This Drink
They are often expelled without any problems. They can be found mostly obstruction of the urethra and cause problems for our body. The most common causes are. Excessive consumption of meat and salt, not eating vegetables, dehydration and poor fluid intake.
News of the week:
This recipe that we present now is super easy and will help you remove kidney stones once and for all. Then check out, How to Get Rid of Kidney Stones with This Drink.
- 180 ml of water;
- 60 ml of lemon juice ;
Preparation mode:
- Mix all the ingredients;
Drink at least half a cup of this mixture before each meal so it can work quickly and efficiently. The results will appear in a very short time. However, if you suspect that you suffer from kidney stones , consult your doctor first. Treatment is usually done with fluid intake and medication, and in the most severe cases surgery may be necessary.
Useful links:
We must remember that to maintain optimal kidney function, you must drink plenty of fluids. Although it is completely safe and has no side effects, it is recommended that it not be consumed by pregnant women.