How to get rid of brittle nails at home!
How to get rid of brittle nails at home, because anyone who thinks nails are useless is wrong, nails always reflect our health, if they look strong and healthy it means that we are practicing good habits, eating well, drinking liquids recommended for health, among other functions.
If the nails have a brittle, weak, yellowish effect, it can mean that our health is not going so well, there is no point in painting our nails and not maintaining good habits in favor of our health.
In addition to harming our well being, we still have to deal with an ugly appearance of nails. With that in mind, we brought you a great recipe to end brittle nails . So, check out how to do it:
Preparation mode:
- Pour the lemon juice into a teacup or a glass jar.
- Add the crushed eggshell .
- Then add the Garlic .
- Stir well and leave overnight for 12 hours.
- If you made the mixture in a cup, cover with film, if you made it in a glass jar, put the lid on.
- The next day, strain the mixture, soak a little cotton wool and apply it to your nails without nail polish.
- Let it act for 20 minutes.
- After this time, rinse well.
- If your nails are very weak, apply daily for 1 month.
- If the mixture is left over, you can store it in the fridge for 5 days.