How to get rid of belly fat in 7 days

How to Eliminate Belly Fat in 7 Days  100% Naturally. Also, if you are looking for ways to eliminate belly fat in a simple way, we present you with an excellent natural recipe with which you will be able to eliminate belly fat in just 7 days . It is a cream that is easy to prepare and you will soon start to see the effects, but you must keep in mind that you must not abuse it.

The ingredients you need everything you can get very easily and they are very cheap, so don’t hesitate and start preparing from now.

Abdominal Fat Removal Recipe:


  • camphor 1 ½ tablet.
  • A bottle of baby oil.

Preparation mode: 

  • The first thing you have to do is grind camphor tablets and add them into baby oil.
  • Shake well for two ingredients with an even mixture.
  • Then we must let the preparation rest for at least 2 days.
  • And each time stir well before using it.

Mode of Use:

  • Apply this cream every night before going to bed on the areas of your abdomen and waist.
  • And massage with gentle, circular movements.

Note:  If you are allergic to camphor , do not start treatment. Drink plenty of water during this treatment. With just constant use, you can achieve your desired results. With this powerful cream you will eliminate abdominal fat , but also lose weight in areas of your abdomen, waist and hips in a very short time.

Tips to Eliminate Belly Fat in Just 7 Days:

1# The weight loss dietshould be low in carbohydrates. These tend to distend the abdomen (such as potatoes, pasta, bread, rice , etc.). Replace them with fruits and vegetables. Also forget about highs – high-fat foods, fried foods, sweets, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.

2# Avoid starving yourself because otherwise sooner or later you will binge. Eating small amounts of healthy and nutritious foods in a greater number of meals daily will speed up your metabolism and store less fat.

3#  Before eating, drink a glass of water. This helps satisfy hunger. Every now and then you eat protein and it will calm your appetite and provide high levels of energy. Some foods may be low-fat yogurt , light jelly or non-fat cheeses (pan type).

4# Eat slowly. Chew each bite very well.

5# Say yes to fiber. Include in your daily diet rich in fiber and it is not installed in your stomach, drink two liters of water.

Now you have the ideal solution to eliminate belly fat formula. ACTION!

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