Homemade recipe that eliminates bad breath from your life!
The bad smell that affects the mouth can have many culprits, one of the causes being inadequate diet that directly affects the stomach. Most problems can be solved by good oral hygiene, with proper brushing of teeth, gums and tongue, and with the use of mouthwashes in a moderate way.
Although sometimes there is a need for mouthwashes, in some cases they can be expensive and so there are simpler, cheaper and more natural ways to deal with bad odors. In this article you will know 2 homemade recipes to get rid of bad breath in minutes. So, here’s How to Cure Bad Breath Naturally:
1. Chewing mint helps to cure bad breath:
Research has claimed that chewing peppermint is one of the best ways to cure bad breath . Many of the tips to fight bad breath suggest that peppermint tea is a good weapon, but the drink loses part of the components necessary to reduce bad odors and the leaf has better results.
If the person does not like to chew Mint , there is the option of eating Lettuce or Apple , both of which have good effectiveness in eliminating bad breath and can have a more pleasant taste.
2. Lemon juice helps to cure bad breath:
Lemon juice is a great fighter against bad breath , especially if the cause of it is some bacteria that is in the mouth or stomach.
Lemon is a great natural bactericide and antifungal, having good effectiveness in eliminating these micro beings that often bring harm such as diseases and bad breath .
People who don’t like or can’t take lemon , can replace the fruit with another citrus like Pineapple or Orange , these stimulate saliva and prevent dryness of the mouth, another factor for bad breath .
3. A different juice, but that can be ideal:
There is a recipe for Apple Juice with Carrots and Tomatoes , this one is full of fibers, vitamins and minerals that help in oral hydration and also in maintaining the health of this region.
How to prepare:
- Place all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth and drink once a day.
Below you will find another powerful recipe to cure bad breath in minutes.
For this recipe you will need:
How to prepare:
- Mix honey and cinnamon in a glass jar.
- After that, pour the warm water into the mixture and add the Lemon Juice .
- Then cover the jar and place in the fridge.
- Wash your mouth daily with the prepared mixture and you will notice the difference in less than 2 minutes.
- This recipe is very powerful thanks to the antibacterial properties of Honey and Cinnamon .
- In severe cases, see a dentist
In more intense cases in which bad breath insists on disappearing, a dentist can be consulted. Being this professional able to evaluate the cause of the problem and eradicate the evil at the root. Some patients may be suffering from cavities, a throat problem or simply having an inadequate diet.