2 homemade recipes to get rid of stretch marks quickly!
These homemade recipes to quickly eliminate stretch marks work perfectly for scars as they result from injuries caused by the rupture of elastic and collagen fibers that support the intermediate layer of our skin .
Stretch marks usually happen when there is a sudden stretching of the skin , as happens in pregnancy, for example, and are characterized by parallel lines of purplish, pink or white color on the surface of the skin.
Even though they do not cause any medical complications in most cases, stretch marks are reasons for aesthetic concern, due to their appearance.
What are the causes of stretch marks?
Stretch marks appear to be caused by a stretching of the skin. Its severity is affected by a number of factors, including your genetic tendency, degree of stress on your skin, and cortisone level. In addition, cortisone – a hormone produced by the adrenal glands – weakens the elastic fibers in the skin.
Home remedies to get rid of stretch marks quickly:
1. Avocado and Honey Recipe to Eliminate Stretch Marks:
– 1 Avocado ;
– 1 spoon (soup) of honey ;
– Juice of 2 lemons .
How to use:
- Mix all the ingredients, beating by hand or in a blender;
- Until it is a very smooth mixture;
- Let it act for 10 to 20 minutes on the stretch marks ;
- Then rinse with warm water.
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2. Aloe and olive oil recipe to eliminate stretch marks:
– 1/2 avocado ;
-One Aloe Leaf ;
– 1 Small spoon of olive oil .
How to use:
- Add all the ingredients in the blender until it forms a very smooth paste;
- Massage in circular motions on the affected areas, leaving it on for 20 minutes;
- Then rinse with cold water.