Garlic oil to grow nails without breaking!

Does olive oil and garlic for growing nails without breaking work, so do your nails look dull and unhealthy? This recipe is perfect for you. This is a common problem. Nails are made up of laminated layers of a protein called keratin. Healthy nails are smooth with no pits or ridges. In addition, healthy nails are uniform in color and consistency and without blemishes or discoloration.

Garlic Olive Oil: Makes Nails Grow Without Breaking

On the other hand, weak nails break easily and do not grow easily. Weak nails can also show signs of yellowing and discoloration.

How are your nails? Are they fragile and slowly growing? Don’t worry. If it is not a more serious health problem or lack of nutrients, the recipe that we are going to teach you now will solve the problem easily.

It is made with powerful natural ingredients that you can find in any supermarket and grow nails .

Garlic oil for nails to grow without breaking!:

1. Olive oil:

 This recipe consists of a simple ingredient, extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is a great ally to strengthen and grow nails due to its tonic and moisturizing properties. In addition, treatment with it is very simple. Look:



  • You should only put your nails in a container of olive oil for 15 minutes every day for a month.
  • Once you complete a month of treatment, you will continue to perform this procedure, but only twice a week and nails will grow .

2. Garlic: 

To make this recipe is very simple, just:


  • 1 clear nail polish;
  • 3 peeled garlic cloves;
  • 20 drops of fresh lemon juice ;
  • vitamin E capsule (liquid only).


  • Leave the garlic cloves in hot water for 15 minutes.
  • Then knead those teeth, until you turn them into a paste.
  • The next step is to put this paste, vitamin E and 20 drops of lemon juice inside the clear nail polish and shake, so that everything is well mixed.
  • Let it rest overnight and you are ready to use it.
  • Apply a small amount of this reinforced nail polish to weak nails and allow to dry completely.
  • Repeat every day.
  • But when a thin layer forms, remove it with a little nail polish remover and repeat the application.
  • The treatment should last at least a month for the expected result and nails to grow.

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