Homemade cream to eliminate stretch marks in just 21 days!

This homemade cream to eliminate stretch marks has interesting benefits for the skin, as vitamin E is an important fat-soluble antioxidant. In addition, stretch marks are irregular lines on the skin that are formed by the excessive stretching of its elastic fibers. However, they usually occur during pregnancy, but they are also caused by sudden weight changes and hereditary factors. So, discover a homemade cream with vitamin E for stretch marks.

Making a homemade cream with vitamin E for stretch marks has interesting benefits, as vitamin E is an important fat-soluble antioxidant, with interesting effects in terms of cosmetics and skin health thanks to its antioxidant effect, it protects the skin against loss of elasticity and the breakage of its fibers.

Direct application of vitamin E to stretch marks can help minimize their appearance. However, for a more complete treatment, we propose a homemade cream based on this vitamin. This cream is also made with other ingredients such as shea butter and coconut oil.

Both ingredients provide fatty acids, antioxidants and amino acids that, after being assimilated into the skin, contribute to improving its appearance. So, here’s how to make  homemade cream to eliminate stretch marks in just 21 days

Homemade cream to eliminate stretch marks:


– 1 vitamin E oil capsule ;
– 2 tablespoons of shea butter;
– 1/2 spoon of avocado oil ;
– 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.


  1. First, add the shea butter in a heat resistant container.
  2. Then put shea butter in the bain-marie.
  3. Then, after melting, add the coconut oil and stir over low heat.
  4. Then, cut the vitamin E capsule and add it to the mixture and keep stirring and remove from the heat.
  5. Immediately afterwards, if desired, add half a tablespoon of avocado oil.

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