Home Remedies to Treat Vaginal Dryness
Home Remedies to Treat Vaginal Dryness in a simple and natural way. Also, Vaginal Dryness can be due to a reduction of existing fluids in the vagina. This is usually common during menopause, because in this period it is presented when a marked reduction in the amount of estrogen causes that there is much less lubrication in this area of women.
However, you can appear vaginal dryness at any time in life and it can be caused by various diseases such as infection in the area, suffer from a lot of stress, poor diet for a very strict diet, use intimate products blotters excessive or increased form of blood glucose.
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While examinations are usually necessary with a specialist and visiting the doctor if you suffer from this condition, ONsalus wants to offer you some home remedies for vaginal dryness that may be able to help you.
Chamomile To Treat Vaginal Dryness: Using Chamomile can be one of the best home remedies to treat vaginal dryness . To prepare it, you need to put two handfuls of chamomile flowers and leaves in a liter of boiling water, then cover it and let it cool.
Once the mixture is at room temperature, you need to do a sitz bath for about 15 minutes, two or three times a day for a week to improve vaginal dryness and symptoms such as itching.
While using chamomile in this way does not normally have contraindications for people who are not allergic, it is essential to control and stop treatment if the appearance of new symptoms in the area is detected.
Vaseline To Treat Vaginal Dryness: One of the best home remedies to treat vaginal dryness most commonly used is Vaseline. It is a product that can be purchased at any pharmacy that helps lubricate the intimate area. This compound has protective properties for the body, and barely generates side effects on the skin.
It is considered one of the basic beauty products for women and it is also cheaper than other beauty products. Vaseline can help moisturize vaginal dryness , so applying a little to the vaginal area can be effective when it comes to relieving dryness and improving lubrication.
On the other hand, Vaseline has the disadvantage that it cannot be used in case of having sex with a condom, because it can damage the latex.
Valerian To Treat Vaginal Dryness: Most effective home remedies to treat vaginal dryness is the most recommended valerian tea , because if this condition is caused by having an unbalanced emotional life, with a lot of stress , the sedative properties of this plant can help significantly change in the vaginal area.
To prepare the infusion you need two teaspoons of valerian , about 10 grams, and a glass of water, 250 ml. You must put the water to boil and add valerian. After two or three minutes, remove it from the heat and let it cool to drink before going to sleep every night for 10 consecutive days.
Sesame Oil To Treat Vaginal Dryness: Sesame oil is one of the most recommended home remedies to treat vaginal dryness as this product works as an excellent lubricant that can be ideal for such changes.
To enjoy its benefits, it is recommended that you moisten a piece of cotton with 6 drops of sesame oil and apply it to the area. You should leave in 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse, repeat this once a day for a week to lubricate the area and improve symptoms of vaginal dryness . It is important to note that when using a condom during sex, it can be damaged if you have used any kind of oil.
Causes and Symptoms of Vaginal Dryness: To carry out a proper treatment it is essential to know what is causing vaginal dryness . These causes include:
- Surgery in the area.
- Chemotherapy.
- Radiation therapy to the pelvic area.
- The consumption of hormones or drugs for the treatment of different pathologies.
- unbalanced emotional life, suffering from stress or depression.
- Exercise very rigorously.
The main existing symptoms of vaginal dryness are:
- Pain, itching or burning in the vagina.
- Discomfort when urinating.
- Pain during intercourse and bleeding after intercourse.
- Little vaginal discharge.
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This article is informative, they have no power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to visit a doctor in case you experience any kind of condition or discomfort.