2 Home Remedies to Relieve Earaches

Home Remedies to Relieve Constant Earache. In addition, earache is a symptom that arises mainly after being in the cold for a long time or when introducing water or objects, such as cotton swabs and toothpicks, into the ear canal, which can cause an ear infection or rupture of the eardrum.

However, other causes include jaw problems or tooth growth, for example. Earache is usually more common in children, as they are more likely to develop infections inside the ear or ear canal. So, check out now  The 2 Home Remedies to Relieve Earaches:

How to Prevent Earaches:  There are some risk factors that can be changed to prevent Earaches , such as:

  • Avoid agglomerations and cold: Cold and flu are one of the causes of Earache , so avoid places where there are many people and the cooling of the body makes the body less exposed to the possibility of contracting these diseases. In addition, a diet rich in vitamin C and well balanced strengthens the immune system to fight viruses and bacteria.
  • Decrease the intensity of bottles:  It has been proven by studies that babies and children who only drink milk through the bottle have more cases of ear infections. This is because baby bottles tend to be sterilized and contain less bacteria. At first glance this may seem good, but research proves that the presence of antibodies in the body of children is essential to strengthen their defense system and thus avoid infections.
  • Avoid places with air pollution or exposure to cigarette smoke:  An environment with poor air quality such as industries, factories and exposure to cigarette smoke can increase the risk of infection. If you cannot escape these environments, it is good to use nose and ear protectors (ear covers and masks)
  • Avoid exposure to wind:  Staying in the wind for a long time can cause serious earaches. This is because the pressure of the body changes, causing discomfort. Therefore, it is always good to wear earplugs or dens on these occasions.

1# Home Remedy to Cure Earache:  Mullein and olive oil. Mullein has anti-inflammatory action and, therefore, is a good home remedy for Ear Pain Relief .


  • 1 teaspoon of dried mullein leaves;
  • olive oil ;
  • 100 ml of water.


  • Mash the dried mullein leaves in the water and let it rest for about 30 minutes.
  • Then take it to the fire and, when it boils, turn off and strain the mixture.
  • Soak a piece of cotton wool in the liquid, then in a little oil, then squeeze to remove the excess.
  • With the temperature still warm, place the cotton pad inside the ear, without pressing.

2# Home Remedy to Cure Earache:  Tea Olive Oil. A great remedy for Ear Pain Relief is to put a small piece of cotton soaked in olive oil in the ear. Here is a homemade recipe for Ear Pain Relief :



  • Crush the garlic, put it in a spoon and add the oil.
  • Heat the spoon on the stove and soak the cotton.
  • Squeeze the cotton to remove the excess and place it in the ear, but without pressing.
  • The warm temperature lessens the pain and the oil will lubricate the possibly inflamed skin of the ear canal.
  • The medicinal properties of garlic facilitate tissue regeneration, as it is a natural antimicrobial.

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