Heart Hospital Soup Diet: Does it Work? benefits and menu
The Heart Hospital Soup Diet was created so that patients could lose weight so they could be referred for risk-free surgery. In addition, the Hospital do Coração soup diet must be strictly followed in all its ingredients in order to really reduce your weight.
The idea of the diet is to promote the loss of up to 7 kg in 1 week, while increasing the patient’s health and quality of life.
What is the Heart Hospital Soup for?
This Heart Hospital Soup is used in overweight cardiac patients who need to lose weight quickly, before major surgeries. In addition, according to the hospital’s nutritionists, Sopa do Hospital do Coração has all the necessary nutrients and really loses weight because the food has fewer calories than the body spends to metabolize it.
What are the Benefits of Hospital do Coração Soup?
One of the Benefits of Hospital do Coração Soup is to have vegetables that are rich in sources of minerals and vitamins that are essential for the proper functioning of the body.
In addition, Soup do Hospital do Coração also helps with weight loss but that does not indicate that it will only be fat. The reduced weight can be caused due to water loss or also muscle loss. In addition to making you healthier.
How Does Hospital do Coração Soup Work?
There is no secret: the diet is based on the Soup Diet of Hospital do Coração. Soups serve as nutritious and low-calorie meals.
But of course it doesn’t serve any soup and we can’t be frivolous and consider that a balanced diet in the other meals of the day is not something necessary, on the contrary, the diet must be very balanced.
The Soup of Hospital do Coração must be made with specific ingredients and contain the nutrients necessary for the person to have health and energy. However, this is not a problem as the foods on the menu are popular and easily found.
We need to make it clear that Sopa do Hospital do Coração is considered a restrictive diet and should only be made under the supervision of a nutritionist (recommendation valid for all diets).
How to make Hospital do Coração Soup?
– 2 bay leaves;
– 1 eggplant;
– 2 large turnips;
– 2 bunches of green smell and watercress;
– 3 peppers;
– 1 large cabbage;
– 1 small celery;
– 2 tomatoes;
– 3 cups of chopped green beans;
– 2 tablets of beef, chicken or vegetable broth ;
– 3 cloves of garlic;
– 4 large eggplants;
– Salt and pepper from the kingdom;
Preparation mode:
- Also, first wash all the vegetables and greens.
- Chop the vegetables into small pieces and slice the vegetables well.
- Also, take a large pan and place the vegetables inside it and fill it with water.
- Place the broth tablets of your choice, add salt (a little due to the sodium already contained in the tablets) and black pepper to taste.
- Also, put the pan over high heat and when the mixture starts to boil, lower the heat.
- The cooking time is until the vegetables are very soft.
- In addition, when the Hospital do Coração Soup is ready, turn off the heat, let it cool and, if you wish, place it in the fridge, placing it in several pots, so that cooking is avoided every time you consume the soup . soup.
In addition to the Soup of Hospital do Coração that you will have to eat, you must follow a list of foods that you will have to alternate during the seven days of the diet. Check it out below:
1st day:
On this first day, you will have to drink Sopa do Hospital do Coração at least twice. In addition, fruits (except bananas and avocados) are allowed for consumption, as well as teas, unsweetened grape juice and water.
2nd Day:
Hospital do Coração Soup is free to be ingested as many times as you want. Here it is also allowed to eat vegetables at will, as well as raw or cooked vegetables . For dinner you can eat a large potato boiled with butter.
3rd Day:
On the third day you should eat whatever fruits and vegetables you want, with the exception of potatoes. And don’t forget to have Sopa do Hospital do Coração at least twice a day.
4th Day:
On the fourth day you will certainly be feeling a lack of sugar in your body. That’s why the consumption of up to eight bananas is allowed, in addition to skimmed milk ad libitum.
These two foods will help you gain calories in a healthier way, in addition to increasing the levels of some mineral salts, which will help fight the craving for sweets and pasta. And don’t forget to have Sopa do Hospital do Coração at least once.
5th Day:
Here you will be able to eat meat for the first time. A steak of 280 to 400 grams of red or even white meat is allowed. It accompanies a portion of tomatoes that can be seasoned with lemon, olive oil and salt.
Be sure to take Sopa do Hospital do Coração at least once during the day and drink plenty of water: six to 10 glasses should be enough to help eliminate uric acid from the body.
6th Day:
On this day, consumption of up to three steaks of red or white meat is allowed, as long as they are grilled. As a side dish you can eat cooked vegetables , with the exception of potatoes.
Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, such as water, teas, juices and unsweetened coffee. It is also advisable to take Sopa do Hospital do Coração at least twice a day.
7th Day:
At the end of the diet you can eat rice, give preference to wholegrain. In addition, raw or cooked vegetables are allowed, as well as coffee, teas, juices and water. The Sopa do Hospital do Coração should be taken twice on this last day.
If everything is followed to the letter until this moment, it is likely that up to 7 kilos have been lost! If the loss is more than 8 kilos, you should not go on the diet for the next 2 weeks.
As there is virtually no intake of carbohydrates and sugars, the Soup do Hospital do Coração diet causes more calories to be burned than added.
Some final tips: Be careful when preparing the Hospital do Coração Soup , don’t add too much salt. Do not drink alcohol under any circumstances.