11 health benefits of spinach!

Spinach is a vegetable that has a great nutritional value. This vegetable has an alkaline flavor and is rich in nutrients such as mineral salts ( iron , phosphorus and calcium ) and vitamin A and B vitamins.


1. Prevent constipation: 

A cup of spinach has nearly 20% of the RDA of dietary fiber, which aids digestion, prevents constipation, and helps keep blood sugar levels low.

2. Acts against cancer: 

Flavonoids is a phytonutrient present in spinach that has anti-cancer properties. Studies have shown that it helps slow down cell division in stomach and skin cancer cells. In addition, spinach is more effective in protecting against prostate cancer.

3. Contains neoxanthine and violaxanthin: 

These are two anti-inflammatories that play an important role in regulating inflammation and are present in large amounts in spinach .

4. It is rich in antioxidants: 

The Vitamin C , Vitamin E, beta-carotene, Manganese , Zinc and Selenium present in spinach serve as potent antioxidants that fight the onset of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

5. Regulates blood pressure: 

By inhibiting angiotensin-converting enzyme I, and peptides within spinach , they showed an efficiency in lowering blood pressure.

6. Improves vision: 

The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are especially abundant in spinach, they help protect the eyes against age-related cataracts and macular degeneration.

7. Increases immunity: 

A cup of spinach contains over 337% of your daily requirement for Vitamin A.  Vitamin A not only protects and strengthens “entry points” to the human body, such as the mucous, respiratory, urinary and intestinal membranes, but is also a key component of lymphocytes (or white blood cells) that fight infections.

8. Improves the skin: 

Due to the large amount of Vitamin A  in spinach, it is also beneficial for healthy skin, allowing proper moisture retention in the epidermis, thus fighting psoriasis, keratinization, acne and even wrinkles.

9. Strengthens the bones: 

A cup of cooked spinach provides over 1000% of the RDA of your daily requirement for  Vitamin K  , which helps prevent excessive activation of osteoclasts (bone-breaking cells) as well as promoting the synthesis of osteocalcin, the protein that is essential for maintain bone strength and density.

10. Prevents atherosclerosis:

Vitamin K  is a crucial component in the process called carboxylation, which produces the matrix Gla protein that prevents calcium from forming directly in tissue. Consuming just one cup of spinach contributes to fighting atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and stroke. 

11. Improves Brain and Nerve Function:

Spinach is an excellent source of Vitamin K ,   it contributes greatly to a healthy nervous system and brain function, providing an essential part for the synthesis of lipids, the essential fat that makes up the myelin sheath around our nerves.

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