10 health benefits of green beans

The health benefits of pods are diverse, as pods  have a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. In addition, the pod often goes unnoticed in our food, however, it is of fundamental importance for our health. Considered the “green bean”, this legume had great nutritional powers The benefits of the pod are also guaranteed by the portion of vitamin C, which is important for strengthening the body, increasing immunity , thus preventing damage that could be caused by toxinsand free radicals. By eating not only green beans, but combining them with other healthy foods, you will be able to get better physical conditioning, in addition to your body reacting against countless adversities. Then check out the 10 health benefits of pods. Benefits of Pods to Fight Anemia: Legumes are a good source of iron, a mineral responsible for strengthening the immune system, preventing diseases such as anemia, for example.

 Pod Contains Few Calories: Pod can be an ally in diets because it contains low levels of calories. A serving of 100 grams will only add 35 calories to your daily menu. Therefore, in addition to being beneficial for health, it can help with weight loss.

Benefits of Pod for Improves Mood: Source of folic acid , Pod  acts in the production of mood and well-being hormones (dopamine, noradrenaline, homocysteine ​​and serotonin). Thus, the benefits extend to other areas of your life, as with a good mood, daily activities become more pleasurable.

Benefits of Pods for Intestinal Health: Rich in fibers, pods are a good choice when it comes to the proper functioning of the intestine, in addition to regulating the organ, they are still responsible for eliminating fats from the arteries and preventing intestinal constipation.

Benefits of Pods to Prevent Diabetes: Pods can help control blood sugar levels, reducing the chances of an individual developing diabetes.

Vargem Has Rejuvenating Properties: Because it has anti-oxidant functions that fight free radicals in the body, the pod is also responsible for delaying the aging of cells, improving the functioning of the body in a generalized way.

Pod Benefits for Hormones: The pod is rich in folic acid. This substance is necessary for our body to produce dopamine, among other hormones that give us a feeling of well being.

Pod Benefits for Eyes: Pod benefits can also be convenient for your eyes to stay healthy. The food has beta-carotene, which after a few reactions can resemble vitamin A, which is very important for ensuring good vision.

Pod Has Antioxidant Actions: The legume is a food with natural antioxidant power, delaying the premature aging of cells and fighting the action of free radicals in the body. The pod still contains lutein, a substance allied in this fight that benefits the health of the skin and still prevents chronic diseases, such as cancer and cataracts.

Pod and Beneficial for Muscle Health: Rich in magnesium, an important mineral for muscle growth and strengthening, the pod acts on the progression of muscles and can optimize the expected results in weightlifting training, for example. The mineral still acts on joint health.

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