H3N2: how to avoid contamination and care in case of infection
The H3N2 influenza virus is one of the subtypes of the Influenza A virus , also known as type A virus , which is one of the main causes of the common flu .
In addition, this virus is very easy to spread from person to person through droplets released into the air when a person with the flu coughs or sneezes.
Above all, the H3N2 virus , as well as the H1N1 Influenza subtype , causes the typical flu symptoms, such as headache , fever , headache and nasal congestion , and it is important that the person rests and drinks plenty of fluids to favor the elimination of the virus. organism virus.
H3N2 can often be identified in children, the elderly, women who are pregnant or have had a baby in a short time, people who have a compromised immune system or who are carriers of chronic diseases. [1]
After all, what is H3N2?
H3N2 or influenza is an acute viral infection of the respiratory system that has a global distribution and high transmissibility.
However, this virus presents with the onset of fever , muscle pain and dry cough and has a self-limited course of a few days.
In addition, the flu, as it is popularly called, has generated regional outbreaks across the country, driven by the introduction of a new strain of subtype A (H3N2), named Darwin.
Above all, three types of influenza viruses are known: A, B and C, the first two are more likely to cause seasonal epidemics in different locations around the world, while the last one usually causes some milder cases.
The influenza virus is classified into subtypes such as A (H1N1) and A (H3N2). [two]
What care is needed in case of H3N2 infection ?
The care for the recovery of the patient with H3N2 is necessary isolation, social distance, hand hygiene, the use of mask, hydration, rest and drugs to relieve symptoms.
In addition, for mild cases of respiratory syndromes, patients can look for Basic Health Units.
For more serious cases, both H3N2 flu , patients should look for Emergency Care Units (UPAs). [3]
Treatment for H3N2:
Treatment for H3N2 is with drugs that lessen the effects of symptoms, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen.
In addition, the treatment is done with medical follow-up, so do not self-medicate.
How to avoid H3N2 contamination:
The way to avoid H3N2 contamination includes wearing a mask, social distancing and maintaining other hygiene protocols, such as hand cleaning.