Galactorrhoea – What it is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Galactorrhoea – What it is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments that many are unaware of. Additionally, Galactorrhoea  (guh-lack-toe-REE-uh) is a milky bowel discharge unrelated to the normal production of breast milk. Galactorrhea itself is not a disease, but it can be a sign of an underlying problem. It usually occurs in women, even those who have never had children or after menopause. But Galactorrhea  can happen to men and even babies. Excessive breast stimulation, side effects, or pituitary gland disorders can all contribute to galactorrhea .

Often, galactorrhea  results from increased levels of prolactin, the hormone that stimulates milk production. Sometimes the cause of Galactorrhoea  cannot be determined. The condition may resolve on its own.

Causes of Galactorrhoea:  Galactorrhoea often  results from too much prolactin – the hormone responsible for producing milk (breastfeeding) when you have a baby. Prolactin is produced by your pituitary gland, a marble-sized gland at the base of your brain that secretes and regulates various hormones. Possible causes of Galactorrhoea  include:

  • Medications, such as certain sedatives, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and high blood pressure medications
  • Use of cocaine, marijuana or opiates
  • Herbal supplements, such as fennel seeds, aniseed, or fenugreek
  • Birth control pills
  • Noncancerous pituitary tumor (prolactinoma) or other pituitary gland disorder
  • Insufficient thyroid therapy (hypothyroidism)
  • chronic kidney disease
  • Excessive breast stimulation, which may be associated with sexual activity, frequent breast self-exams with nipple manipulation, or prolonged friction of clothing
  • Nerve damage to the chest wall from chest surgery, burns, or other chest injuries
  • Spinal cord surgery, injuries, or tumors

Idiopathic Galactorrhea:  Sometimes doctors cannot find a cause of Galactorrhoea . This is called idiopathic galactorrhea  , and it could mean that your breast tissue is particularly sensitive to the hormone-producing hormone prolactin in your blood. If you have an increased sensitivity to prolactin, even normal prolactin levels can lead to galactorrhea .

Galactorrhea in Men:  In males, galactorrhea  can be associated with testosterone deficiency (male hypogonadism) and usually occurs with breast enlargement or tenderness (gynecomastia). Erectile dysfunction and lack of sexual desire are also associated with testosterone deficiency.

Galactorrhea in Newborns:  Galactorrhea sometimes occurs in newborns. Elevated levels of maternal estrogen cross the placenta in the baby’s blood. This can cause the baby’s breast tissue to enlarge, which can be associated with a milky discharge from the nipple.

Symptoms of Galactorrhoea:  Signs and symptoms associated with Galactorrhoea  include:

  • Persistent or intermittent discharge of milky milky milk
  • Nipple discharge involving multiple milk ducts
  • Spontaneously leaked or manually expressed nipple discharge
  • One or both breasts affected
  • Absent or irregular menstrual periods
  • Headaches or vision problems

Treatments for Galactorrhoea:  When needed, treatment with Galactorrhoea focuses on resolving the underlying cause. Sometimes doctors cannot determine an exact cause of galactorrhea . Your doctor may recommend treatment anyway if you have a nagging or persistent nipple discharge.

In such cases, you may be given a medication to block the effects of prolactin or to decrease the amount of prolactin in your body. Reducing the level of prolactin in your body can eliminate Galactorrhoea .

Preventing Galactorrhea:  Often, the milky discharge associated with Idiopathic Galactorrhoea  goes away on its own, especially if you can avoid breast stimulation or medications that are known to trigger nipple discharge. To minimize breast stimulation:

  • Do not stimulate your nipples during sexual activity
  • Avoid performing frequent breast self-exams by manipulating your nipples
  • Wear clothing that minimizes friction between the fabric and your nipples

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