5 Fruits to Eat on a Type 2 Diabetes Diet!

Fruits to consume in a diet for type 2 diabetes and balanced health, fruits are a great source of nutrients and are a wonderful way to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Type 2 diabetes is an extremely frustrating disease for sugar lovers . No matter which method you use to control your carb intake, the result is the same: a severe lack of desserts. One of the most important aspects of a diabetic diet is creating balanced meals.

They should be low in calories, saturated fat and most sugars, high in complex carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats, plus a serving of all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy.

Fruits to Consume on a Type 2 Diabetes Diet:

1. Blueberries:

Blueberries, strawberries , blackberries are wonderful for a type 2 diabetes diet. They are relatively low in carbohydrates but packed with antioxidants , substances like vitamin C , which the body uses to prevent cell damage.

A cup of blueberries has 14% of your daily fiber , 24% of your needed vitamin C , more magnesium , vitamin A and B-6 , and only 85 calories.

2. Citrus fruits:

Any type of citrus fruit ( oranges , lemons , grapefruits and the like) has tons of vitamin C. This is an especially important vitamin for a type 2 diabetes diet .

Diabetes is considered an immune disorder, which means it’s important to keep the rest of your immune system in tip-top shape to help keep you from getting sick.

A small orange has 75% of your daily vitamin C , just 45 calories, plus vitamins A and B-6 , calcium , magnesium and plenty of fiber.

3. Cherries:

New research has shown all sorts of wonderful benefits from cherries , especially sour ones. They’re packed with anti-inflammatories that most foods don’t have, and their antioxidant properties can fight chronic disorders like cancer and heart disease, so it’s important to eat this fruit in your type 2 diabetes diet .

All the other benefits are there too: fiber, magnesium , vitamin A , plus some vitamins C and B-6 . A cup without a pit has about 85 calories. They come frozen, fresh and dried, but be careful nuts have significantly more sugar than fresh ones.

4. kiwi:

The furry, brown exterior is deceptive on the inside, the kiwi has a delicious green fruit that is unlike any other on the market.

These type 2 diabetes fruits also have some of the lowest levels of carbs: a kiwi has only six grams of sugar, not to mention over 100% of its vitamin C. daily. You can cut the skin and eat it in slices or use a spoon to eat them out of their fur.

5. Tomatoes:

No, it’s not a trick. They may not be as sweet as most fruits, but they are nonetheless a fruit by definition.

And they’re great to consume on a type 2 diabetes diet , no matter how you eat them—whether it’s soup, sauce, or right away. A medium tomato has 22 calories and a number of nutrients, including vitamins A and C, potassium , iron, magnesium , fiber , protein and calcium .

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