Control Cholesterol By Including Sweet Potatoes in Your Diet!
Control Cholesterol Including Sweet Potato in Your Diet, because in addition to medication, Sweet Potato also helps in preventing this disease. In addition, according to a survey released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) on the eating habits of Brazilians, approximately 12.5% of the adult population, which represents about 18 million people, was diagnosed with the clinical picture. of high cholesterol.
The data is worrying, because high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood can be decisive for the emergence of other diseases, such as stroke and cardiovascular problems. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to what you consume, always prioritizing a healthy and balanced menu that contains all types of nutrients. And one food in question that can help reduce high blood levels is Sweet Potatoes !
It’s Not Just For Athletes: Sweet Potato is part of the diet of people who practice some kind of activity, as it helps in gaining lean mass and, as it is a low glycemic index carbohydrate, it provides the energy needed for training. That’s why she became famous, especially among gym goers. But there are other benefits that are still unknown to people, such as the fact that Sweet Potatoes help reduce highblood cholesterol levels.
News of the week:
Sweet Potato Properties: Tubers, such as Sweet Potatoes , are rich in dietary fiber, belonging to the family of carbohydrates that are not digested by the small intestine. Such fibers work as a ‘sponge’, facilitating the control of Cholesterol . That is, the properties found in food prevent the intestine from absorbing large amounts of fat during digestion, resulting from a poor diet, rich in industrialized foods and containing a large amount of sodium.
Action of Fibers: Fibers have the ability to bind to bile acids, produced by the liver, which are responsible for breaking down fat molecules into smaller molecules of fatty acids and cholesterol , in addition to preventing their hepatic reabsorption, thus inhibiting synthesis. of that substance.
Another characteristic of the food is the fact that it regulates the release of glucose in the blood, helping to control and maintain diabetes and obesity. Thus, Sweet Potato is one of the foods that has the ability to decrease blood levels of LDL and also increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL), thus helping to prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity.
What is Cholesterol?: It is a type of fat synthesized by the body itself that is linked to two types of proteins, LDL (low density lipoprotein) and HDL (high density lipoprotein). It is transported through the bloodstream and can also be obtained through food.
Cholesterol is composed of hormones that act in the healing process and is present in the body’s energy reserves, forming the fatty layer . In excess, it can cause increased levels of fat in the bloodstream and its consequent deposition on the walls of the vessels, causing atherosclerosis, restricting blood flow that can lead to serious health complications.
- 200ml of very cold water
- 70g of boiled sweet potato
- 1 small silver banana
- 1 full tablespoon of Quinoa Flakes
- Cinnamon powder to taste
- 2 ice cubes
Useful links:
- Blend everything in the blender.
- You can mix cinnamon together or just add it after your shake is ready.