The 10 Common Causes of Gastric Ulcers

The Common Causes that Lead to Gastric Ulcer that are more frequent in women and men in adulthood. In addition, more than 25 million Brazilians will suffer from a peptic ulcer at some point during their lifetime, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A peptic ulcer, also known as a gastric ulcer , is a sore or hole in the lining of the stomach or duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). Also, people of any age can get an ulcer, and women and men can suffer more from it.

Ulcers are one of the diseases that affects the back of the stomach , causing chronic pain and can affect appetite and cause nausea, vomiting or bleeding in the digestive tract. An imbalance of digestive juices in the stomach and intestines can cause gastric ulcers .

While there is no single cause for this imbalance of digestive juices, there are several things that increase your chance of developing a gastric ulcer over time. So, check out The 10 Common Causes that Lead to Gastric Ulcer.

Helicobacter Pylori Bacterial Infection:  An infection that develops from Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria is one of the most common causes of peptic ulcers . It is unclear how an H. pylori infection spreads, but it is believed that it can be passed from person to person through close contact. H. pylori bacteria can also enter the body through food and water .

This type of bacteria usually live in the mucous layer that covers and protects the tissues that line the stomach and small intestine. They can survive the acidic environment that occurs during the digestion process.

An overgrowth of these bacteria causes irritation to the stomach lining and weakens the protective lining. This can further lead to inflammation and infection, leading to a gastric ulcer .

However, people who can become infected with H. pylori will not always develop gastric ulcers . Only a few people infected with H. pylori will suffer from a gastric ulcer .

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs:  Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, commonly known as NSAIDs, is another common cause of gastric ulcers . Both can irritate or inflame the lining of your stomach and small intestine, leading to a serious ulcer.

In fact, over-the-counter NSAIDs come with a warning label stating that NSAIDs can injure the stomach lining . Prolonged use may cause bleeding and ulceration. Some of the NSAIDs that are harmful to the digestive system are ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB and others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve, Anaprox and others).

Alcoholic Beverages:  In fact, drinking moderately will help protect the stomach against H. pylori, the bacteria that causes most gastric ulcers . However, drinking too much can irritate the stomach lining. Drinking becomes one of the common causes that lead to gastric ulcers . Any type of inflammation in the stomach increases the risk of developing a gastric ulcer .

Drinking a lot also increases the acidity level in the stomach , making it more vulnerable to gastric ulcers . A 2000 study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology reports that fermented and non-distilled alcoholic beverages increase gastric levels and acid secretion in the stomach .

Along with alcohol, smoking is another factor that can increase your risk of developing peptic ulcer disease. In addition, it tends to make the treatment less effective.

Salt:  Salt is one of the common causes that lead to gastric ulcers . In addition, high salt intake is another major cause of gastric ulcers  . In fact, a high-salt diet can induce gene activity in H. pylori that makes it more virulent. An infection from the H. pylori bacteria is one of the main reasons behind gastric ulcers .

A 2013 study reports that high dietary salt intake causes genetic changes in H. pylori and makes it more powerful. If you already have an ulcer, high salt intake will exacerbate the symptoms present. That’s why people suffering from an ulcer are advised to eat a low-salt diet to avoid further irritation.

Excess Stress:  While there is no scientific evidence that stress-emotional or mental links can cause ulcers, experts believe that stress increases the likelihood of suffering from a stomach ulcer .

Stress, especially prolonged stress, can have an effect on stomach acid production . It can trigger an increased release of stomach acid and increase inflammation.

Although stress alone can cause gastric ulcers in some cases, most often it is the stress along with a bacterial infection or the use of anti-inflammatory drugs that leads to more serious ulcers.

Family History   Last but not least, a personal or family history of gastric ulcers  is another common risk factor for stomach ulcers . Having a family history of most medical conditions generally increases your chances of developing the same conditions and gastric ulcers  are no exception.

In fact, most people who suffer from gastric ulcers  have family members who have suffered from the same condition. However, experts are not sure why this happens since ulcers are not a genetic disease.

Hypercalcemia:  Hypercalcemia, which means an overproduction of calcium , is another cause of gastric ulcers . The blood contains an above normal level of calcium . Prolonged hypercalcemia tends to cause elevated gastrin levels, which in turn can contribute to peptic ulcer disease.

It can even lead to pancreatitis or calcium deposits in the soft tissues. If your blood calcium level is greater than approximately 15 mg/dL, it is considered a medical emergency and should be treated aggressively.

High Caffeine Intake:  High caffeine intake is another contributing factor to the development of ulcers. Caffeine increases the production of acid in the stomach , which makes you more vulnerable to suffering from a gastric ulcer .

Caffeine tends to speed up the gastric emptying process, which leads to high acid content in the stomach . This acid passes into the small intestine more quickly than normal.

Low Melatonin Levels:  Another cause of gastric ulcers  is low levels of melatonin. Low lighting triggers the production of melatonin in the pineal gland. However, due to lifestyle changes like working late at night, using artificial lighting and so on can make the body produce less melatonin than it needs. A reduction in melatonin production can trigger various health problems such as ulcers.

In fact, even a small increase in melatonin levels can have a dramatic effect on both healing and preventing stress-induced gastric ulcers .

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