5 Common Causes of Excessive Tiredness!

Common causes of excessive tiredness are a warning sign for you to find out what’s wrong with your body easily and naturally. In addition, the stress of everyday life and the need to do several things at the same time can make excessive tiredness  disrupt routine, which makes even everyday activities difficult.

However, that doesn’t always  mean you’re just in need of a break. Check out what might be behind this feeling. The sleep period  serves to replenish our energies. It is during this period that protein synthesis takes place , causing the day to disappear. So, if you don’t have adequate sleep  time, knock on the door.

What is excessive tiredness?

Excessive Fatigue  manifests itself in different ways in each person, depending mainly on its causes. It is possible to define the condition as a state of exhaustion, be it mental or physical, that produces a drop in the natural or expected performance of an individual, a decrease in work capacity and/or a reduction in efficiency to respond to a stimulus.

Types of tiredness:

There are four types of tiredness :

  • Physical: the one that leaves us without strength to perform even small tasks;
  • Mental: which produces anxiety , worry, forgetfulness and lack of attention;
  • Emotional: which has as symptoms sadness, anguish and bad mood ;
  • Spiritual: which deals with the relationship between physical and emotional fatigue and can be caused by uncomfortable situations that last.

Is it normal to feel excessively tired daily?

Do you wake up tired and feeling like you need a few more hours of sleep ? Or have you been feeling unwell to perform daily tasks? You are not alone in this. According to a survey carried out by Ibope, the Brazilian population has some degree  in everyday life.

60% of the cases are to fulfill some obligation because of this. Despite being a common symptom, lack of energy can get worse.

Common causes of excessive tiredness:

Work too much: 

Dedicating excessive hours to work, without reserving leisure time, is the source of more frequent exhaustion. “As the accumulation of daily tasks, many professional and family responsibilities, mental fatigue is common. Due to this Excessive  Mental Fatigue, our endocrine system, which regulates hormones, can undergo some changes and reflect on our physique.

Irregular feeding: 

diet with a large amount of refined and industrialized foods does not provide important nutrients for the proper functioning of the body and energy production. Therefore, poor diet can cause several nutritional deficiencies and impair the functioning of the body, resulting in varied symptoms, including Excessive Fatigue .

Sleep disorders: 

Trouble sleeping, little sleep  and sleepless nights may be all you need to get your energy back. “ Excessive tiredness  or fatigue when waking up happens because we sleep late or spend a lot of time in front of the television or computer.

Preventing the release of the sleep hormone , melatonin. If she is not released. We will not have good quality sleep  and, in the morning, the cortisol that protects us will not be released”, explains physical therapist Afonso Shiguemi Inoue Salgado.

Sedentary lifestyle: 

Being in poor physical condition makes any extra effort in the day difficult. Therefore, the ideal is to perform physical activities regularly, which, in addition to improving conditioning, also releases well-being hormones.

Promotes stress relief , bringing more disposition to daily work tasks. “However, excessive physical exercise, without due respect for the body itself, can also bring about these disorders.


Tiredness is a very common symptom in pregnancy. Usually, it starts in the first trimester, disappears in the second and returns with greater intensity at the end of pregnancy. Excessive first trimester tiredness  is often accompanied by frequent sleep and is usually caused by the hormonal changes of early pregnancy.

In the third trimester, excessive tiredness  is more related to the baby’s weight, the difficulty in expanding the lung due to the size of the uterus, the natural anemia of pregnancy and hormonal changes.

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