Broccoli makes you lose weight or makes you fat? how to consume, benefits!

If broccoli loses weight or makes you fat and how to use it to lose weight are the main doubts because its consumption in Brazil is very large. See this full review! Eating broccoli a few times a week can cut the number of calories you consume while promoting good health. Broccoli is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. See this full review:

Important Components of Broccoli:

  • Sulforaphane: One of the most abundant and widely studied plant compounds in broccoli . It may have protective effects against various types of cancer.
  • Indole-3-carbinol:  A unique nutrient found in cruciferous vegetables, which may have beneficial effects against cancer.
  • Carotenoids:   Broccoli  contains lutein, zeaxanthin, and  beta-carotene , which may contribute to better eye health.
  • Kaempferol:  An antioxidant with many health benefits. It can protect against heart disease, cancer, inflammation and allergy.
  • Quercetin:  An antioxidant with numerous benefits.

Broccoli Protein Amount:

Proteins help build muscle, and are necessary for growth and maintenance. In addition, broccoli  is one of the vegetables that has the most protein. For every 100 g of broccoli , it has 2.8 g of protein .

Nutritional Value of Broccoli:

The health benefits of broccoli  are the result of a unique blend of nutrients, organic compounds, minerals and vitamins that are found exclusively in this vegetable. Additionally, these include significant amounts of vitamin C , vitamin K , fiber, folates, potassium , selenium , vitamin A , manganese , tryptophan, vitamin B, and phosphorus .

In terms of unique organic compounds, broccoli  is rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants. In addition, phytochemicals are substances responsible for the color, smell and taste in plants. Research shows that they have numerous health benefits especially for the immune system .

Health Benefits of Broccoli:

Benefits of Broccoli for Eye Health: Broccoli is  a source of carotenoids. It is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin . These antioxidants are present in the macula of the eyes and help in preventing age-related macular degeneration.

Benefits of Broccoli to Improve Digestion: High source of dietary fiber makes broccoli  beneficial in digestion . It helps to maintain efficient bowel movement and curbs overeating. Isothiocyanates are phytonutrients present in broccoli that help protect the stomach lining and prevent the growth of bacteria on the stomach wall.

Benefits of Broccoli for Pregnant Women: Broccoli is  so nutritious and full of nutrients, especially for pregnant women. The fiber contained in this vegetable helps to eliminate constipation , which is very common during pregnancy. Furthermore, its folate content ensures that there are no birth defects such as neural tube defects, which are a big problem for pregnant women who suffer from a folic acid deficiency .

Broccoli Protects Against UV Rays: Additionally, glucorapanin, one of the phytonutrients found in significant amounts in broccoli , has been linked with reversing the negative effects of sun exposure.

Skin Enhancing Broccoli Benefits: Credit for keeping your skin glowing and youthful goes to expert antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamin C , as well as other helpers like the vitamin B complexand vitamin E found in broccoli .

Other Health Benefits of Broccoli:

  • Broccoli  contains calcium and Vitamin K , which strengthens bone and prevents osteoporosis.
  • Broccoli  is rich in potassium  which helps maintain a healthy nervous system and makes the brain work efficiently and actively.
  • Broccoli is alkaline in nature and can help neutralize acidity in the body.
  • Broccoli  is a source of flavanoids which is an anti – inflammatory agent and helps to reduce skin damage and allergies.
  • Broccoli  helps to have a smooth pregnancy, as it contains folic acid that helps in the formation of the fetus.
  • Broccoli helps  to lower progesterone in men.
  • One study showed that a substance contained in broccoli  lowered progesterone in men.

Broccoli Fattening or Not?

Broccoli or broccoli  as they are also known, is a food responsible for offering a very significant improvement in health in the same way as other vegetables, broccoli has a large amount of fiber and water that provide greater satiety during your meal. In addition, it helps in the fight against some types of cancer, decreasing the amount of insulin production and the spread of heart diseases are just some of the benefits of broccoli  in your life.

After all, does broccoli lose weight?

Broccoli is low in calories, that is, Broccoli  loses  weight “YES”. Adding more broccoli  to your diet will help you with weight loss because it, like most vegetables, is a low-calorie food that can help you feel full quickly. The high fiber levels in broccoli  and the amount of water add bulk to your meal without adding empty calories, so you can eat, not get hungry, and still lose weight. So there is no reason to think that eating broccoli  makes you fat.

Broccoli Because it is very rich in several nutrients and vitamins and very low in calories, Broccoli  is  one of the foods most recommended by nutritionists for people who want to lose weight. The fact that it contains nutrients that speed up metabolism and facilitate the breakdown of fat cells, such as calcium and chromium, also helps with weight loss.

To give you an idea, a cup of raw broccoli  has only 30 calories, while the same serving of cooked vegetable has 54 calories.

Broccoli is allowed in several balanced  diets and its consumption, whether raw or cooked, yields more than the entire recommended daily amount of vitamin C and vitamin K , for example.

Other than that, because it is also very rich in fiber, its consumption also causes a greater feeling of satiety – which is great for those who want to lose a few pounds.

The key, however, is that you replace foods you eat with broccoli , not simply add it to your diet. For example, add a cup of broccoli instead of noodles to soup for lunch, or use it to replace rice or noodles in your favorite dishes. So, check out these Recipes Using Broccoli :

Broccoli Juice Recipe


  • 8 small sprigs of broccoli ;
  • 1 liter of water.


  • Wash the broccoli  sprigs well and put them in a blender;
  • Add water and beat well.
  • Serve immediately.

Broccoli and Lemon Juice Recipe


  • 4 sprigs of broccoli ;
  • 1 whole lemon with rind;
  • ½ liter of water;
  • Sweetener or sugar to taste.


  • Wash broccoli and lemon well ;
  • Take them to the blender along with the water and beat for three minutes;
  • Sweeten to taste and serve immediately.

Check out the benefits of broccoli in detail right now, by clicking on the video below:

Broccoli and Carrot Juice Recipe


  • carrots ;
  • 100 g of Broccoli ;
  • Brown sugar to taste.


  • Peel the carrot and cut off its ends;
  • Wash the carrots and broccoli well ;
  • Take the carrots and broccoli  to the centrifuge and reduce them to juice;
  • Sweeten with brown sugar to taste and serve immediately.

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