Benefits of walnuts to increase your longevity!

Nuts are considered as superfood, being small in size they contain dense nutrients. They contain all the nutrients that are needed to increase their longevity . It is also effective in protecting against many diseases.

Therefore, there was no Research carried out to find its effectiveness. After the result, it is concluded that eating nuts can increase your longevity. According to research, by eating walnuts you are contributing to longevity , it also helps to maintain a healthy weight.

During the result it was concluded that it can improve cardiovascular health that protect against heart disease . By eating walnuts lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and increase the good cholesterol. Also nerve damage antioxidants protected from free radicals. Omega 3 present in walnuts also improve cardiovascular health. So walnuts reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 55%.

By eating walnuts they are packed with healthy nutrients which protects against many diseases. One of the most important nutrients that protect from many diseases are antioxidants. We need dietary antioxidants to stay protected from free radicals, which are the cause of cancer. But eating antioxidant-dense nuts lowers the risk of death from cancer by 44%.

Eating walnuts is also beneficial for people suffering from type 2 diabetes . It also reduces the risk of death due to hypertension by maintaining the cholesterol level.

Smokers are at an increased risk of oxidative stress. But antioxidants in walnuts are helpful in minimizing damage due to smoke. It also helps to maintain a healthy weight. Obese people have a higher risk of cancer and hypertension. But it also proves to be effective in controlling the death rate due to obesity.

In conclusion:
For a healthy and fit body, we need enough nutrients. Sometimes in our diet, we always lack some nutrients. Eating a cup of walnuts will prevent deficiency of all nutrients. Add some nuts like cashews, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, etc. in your cereal. You need at least 3 servings a week for maximum benefits. Starting the day with a nutrient-dense diet will improve your health.

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