20 health benefits of lemongrass tea!
The benefits of lemongrass tea are diverse and it has a lot of essential nutrients for the general health of the body, it also includes relief from stomach disorders , insomnia, respiratory disorders, fever, pain, infections, rheumatism and edema.
The defensive antioxidant activity of lemongrass helps in maintaining cholesterol levels , cellular health, nervous system, healthy skin and immune system . It is also effective in treating type 2 diabetes, cancer and obesity, as well as aiding in detoxification.
Health benefits of lemongrass tea:
1. Relieves Pain and Discomfort:
The tea relieves pain and discomfort caused by headaches and migraines due to its analgesic properties.
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2. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease:
Lemongrass tea benefits stimulate the mind and help fight seizures, nervousness, vertigo and various neuronal disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
3. Body odor:
The antibacterial property helps fight body odor by preventing bacterial and fungal infections that are responsible for the bad smell.
4. Increases immunity:
Tea helps to restore vital systems that are operational in the body, including digestion , breathing, excretion and the nervous system. This helps in better absorption of nutrients and strengthens the body’s immune defense mechanism.
5. Acne treatment:
Lemongrass is antimicrobial and astringent, making it an ideal therapy for treating acne.
6. Promotes Detoxification:
It is critical for detoxification as it has diuretic properties that help cleanse harmful toxins in the liver and kidneys.
7. Reduce Arthritis Pain:
Lemongrass tea helps in treating arthritis and related problems like osteoarthritis, rheumatism and other types of joint pain.
8. Women’s Health:
Tea is an excellent, reliever of illness in women, hot flashes and reduction of menstrual pain .
9. Prevents insomnia:
The benefits of lemongrass tea purifies the body, nourishes and soothes the nervous system, and counters chemical imbalances that are the main reasons for insomnia .
10. Treat gastritis:
Gastritis or commonly referred to as heartburn can be caused by many factors such as stress, spices and cold foods among others. and has traditionally been used as a remedy to treat this disease.
11. Take care of the skin:
Lemongrass tea benefits blood purification and circulation , cleanses oily skin and is effective in treating pimples, eczema and psoriasis.
12. It acts in the maintenance of the skin:
It has natural antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties that help limit the growth of microbes on the skin.
Other benefits of lemongrass tea:
Useful links:
13. Prevents cancer ;
14. Helps treat infections;
15. Controls cholesterol ;
16. Fights colds and flu ;
17. Improves blood pressure ;
18. Relieves pain and discomfort;
19. Fight Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s ;
20. Eliminates body odor.