5 health benefits of jamelons!
Jamelon is also known as black plum , jambo and jalan, the fruit has been used for centuries as a diuretic and for its ability to treat stomach pain and diarrhea.
The fruit contains a wide variety of medicinal compounds, including polyphenols, which have been shown to be effective for heart disease, diabetes , and arthritis , among other conditions.
Jamelons are native to Australia and parts of southern Asia, but are now commonly found in several tropical parts of the world, including China, South America, and Africa. It belongs to a family of shrubs and trees with edible seeds and fruits that are commonly used in medicinal preparations.
The tree is quite large and grows to over 10 meters.
Nowadays, trees are grown almost exclusively for their delicious fruit. If you’ve never had jamelons and are wondering what they taste like, they are similar to sweet, ripe apricots . Let’s take a look at the benefits of this fruit.
Nutritional Value of Jamelão:
Jamelons are a fruit with a variety of important nutrients. Despite containing sugars in the form of fructose and glucose, it is quite low in calories and also has a low glycemic index. The fruit contains several essential minerals such as calcium, iron , phosphorus and magnesium, while it is also a great source of vitamin C , thiamine, niacin, riboflavin and vitamin B6.
Diabetes treatment:
The most important and popular use of jamelons is for the treatment of people with diabetes . The fruit is known to have anti-diabetic activities, properties that have been known for a long time. It converts starches in the body into energy and keeps blood glucose levels in check.
It has a low glycemic index and diabetic patients in India and other Asian countries are advised to consume this fruit regularly. Jamelons can also alleviate many of the symptoms of diabetes , such as frequent urination.
Cure digestive problems:
Jamelons can also help treat a wide variety of digestive problems. It is well known for relieving diarrhea and cramping. Therefore, decoctions made from the seeds are a folk remedy. The fruit can also be eaten or taken to treat other common digestive problems, including indigestion, flatulence, and stomach cramps .
skin health:
In addition to being an effective remedy for numerous internal problems, jamel seeds can also be used to look beautiful. While eating this antioxidant-rich fruit is good for skin health, the seeds can also be used to alleviate chronic skin conditions such as acne.
heart health:
Because of all the healthy nutrients, it can be an excellent weapon against heart disease. Fresh fruit is better for your heart than processed foods. The levels of antioxidants, as well as certain minerals and vitamins, can benefit your heart in the long run.
Jamelons are very rich in potassium with a 100 gram serving containing up to 55 mg of the mineral. Potassium is known to be extremely important for the heart and helps regulate heart rhythm.
According to research, a healthy amount of potassium in the diet can also lower blood pressure, which in turn reduces the risk of developing killer diseases like atherosclerosis or heart attack.
Against oral problems:
In addition to the fruit itself and the seeds, the leaves and bark can also be used for medicinal purposes. Jamelons and their bark have antibacterial and astringent properties that many people find perfect for ensuring good oral health. In addition, they are also used to relieve sore throats.
A decoction made from the bark can be used as a mouthwash and is considered beneficial for gum disease and painful ulcers due to its astringent and antibacterial qualities.