Asthma – what it is, symptoms and treatments!

Asthma is a common lung disease that causes occasional breathing difficulties. It affects people of all ages and usually starts in childhood, although it can also develop for the first time in adults.

There is currently no cure, but there are simple treatments that can help keep your symptoms under control so they don’t have a big impact on your life.

Which is:

It occurs when the bronchi , and the airways that carry air in and out of the lungs, become inflamed and close. Inflammation and constriction cause the bronchial walls to tighten and the airways to develop blockages from excess mucus.


Asthma symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing , difficulty sleeping due to breathing difficulties, chest pain or tightness, wheezing and or whistling while breathing. The severity and persistence of symptoms varies between individuals.


Attacks occur when the bronchi are too close, resulting in difficulty breathing and reduced oxygen is transported to organs. Severe asthma attacks can cause death.


Indications of worsening include more frequent and more severe attacks of asthma , increased need for bronchodilators (drugs that open up the bronchi), and lower peak flow rates (a measure of lung function).


It is usually treated with an inhaler, a small device that allows you to breathe in medication.

The main types are:

  • Relief inhalers – used when needed to quickly relieve asthma symptoms for a short period of time
  • Preventive inhalers – used every day to prevent asthma symptoms from occurring

Some people also need to take pills.


Asthma symptoms tend to be more severe during late night and early morning. Allergens, irritants, exercise, infections and the weather can also make the situation worse.

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