Aloe vera slimming or fattening? how to consume, benefits!

Aloe vera is very consumed in Brazil and there is always this doubt if  aloe vera is  slimming or fattening ? this plant, also  known as  aloe , or simply aloe, is a species of plant in the  Liliaceae family  . It is native to North Africa and is characterized by vivid green leaves and flowers that grow orange or yellow.

The leaves of the plant contain aloe latex – a sticky, yellowish fluid found in the inner lining of the leaf. The most nutritious and commonly used part of the leaf is the aloe gel.

The gel has been used as a traditional medicine since ancient Egyptian times, but more recently you will find aloe gel, juice or water on health store shelves. In addition, due to its low amount of calories, some doubts have arisen as to whether  aloe vera is slimming or fattening .

Nutritional properties:

Aloe vera or aloe vera contains many vitamins, including vitamin A , vitamin C , vitamin E , folic acid , choline , vitamin B1 , vitamin B2 , vitamin B3 ( niacin ), vitamin B6 . It is also one of the few plants that contains Vitamin B12 . Some of the 20 minerals found in the plant

Health benefits of aloe vera:

Aloe vera benefits include for respiratory problems such as the flu, cough , bronchitis and herpes. In addition, it is very beneficial for the health of the mouth, as it helps in strengthening the teeth and gums.

However, it helps strengthen immunity as it is rich in various amino acids and minerals such as Zinc , Calcium , Manganese , Copper and Iron .

And it acts as an alkaline compound and balances excess acid production in the body and normalizes blood pH level.

Aloe vera fattening or not?

Aloe vera is fattening if ingested in excess, but this is practically impossible. There is no person who can eat large amounts, if only because its fiber content increases the feeling of satiety, eliminating the feeling of hunger.

One serving is combined with other equally nutritious foods will result in a lasting feeling of satiety which, in turn, will make the person eat smaller portions promoting weight loss .

So, is aloe vera slimming?

The properties of this plant to lose weight are beginning to be more recognized. New properties of this wonderful medicinal plant with a translucent and gelatinous heart are discovered every day. But  is aloe vera  slimming or fattening ?

It emerges as a natural body cleanser eliminating toxins and waste. This is achieved especially thanks to one of its components, called aloin, which, taken in adequate doses, allows us to obtain this beneficial cleansing effect.

Aloe vera juice with honey:


  1. Place the aloe vera gel in a blender.
  2. Pour into the glass of honey .
  3. Mix it slowly for 2 to 3 minutes.
  4. Mix well and pour it into a glass jar.
  5. Store it in a cool, dry place.
  6. Have a spoonful of this mixture about two hours before your main meals.

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