Acoustic Neuroma – What it is, Symptoms and Treatments!

Acoustic Neuroma – What it is, Symptoms and Treatments  of this condition. Also, an Acoustic Neuroma is a benign tumor that develops in the nerve that connects the ear to the brain . The tumor usually grows slowly. As it grows, it presses against the hearing and balances the nerves. At first, you may have no symptoms or mild symptoms.

They can include: Hearing loss on one side, Ringing in the ears, Problems with dizziness and balance. The tumor can also eventually cause numbness or paralysis of the face. If it grows big enough, it can press against the brain , becoming fatal. Acoustic Neuroma can be difficult to diagnose as the symptoms are similar to middle ear problems.

Ear exams, hearing tests and scans can show if you have it. If the tumor remains small, you just need to have it checked regularly. If you need treatment, surgery and radiation are options. If tumors affect both auditory nerves, it is often because of a genetic disorder called neurofibromatosis. So, check out now  Acoustic Neuroma – What it is, Symptoms and Treatments:

What is Acoustic Neuroma:  An Acoustic Neuroma is an uncommon, non-cancerous (benign) and usually slow-growing tumor that develops in the main nerve that leads from your inner ear to your brain . As the branches of this nerve directly influence your balance and hearing, the pressure of an Acoustic Neuroma can cause hearing loss, ringing in the ears and insecurity.

Also known as vestibular schwannoma, Acoustic Neuroma usually grows slowly or not at all. However, in some cases it can grow rapidly and become large enough to press against the brain  and interfere with vital functions. Treatments for Acoustic Neuroma include regular monitoring, radiation and surgical removal.

Causes of Acoustic Neuroma:  The cause of Acoustic Neuroma  – the tumors in the main balance nerves that lead from your inner ear to your brain  (eighth cranial nerve) – appears to be a defective gene on chromosome 22. Normally, this gene makes a protein which helps control the growth of Schwann cells that cover the nerves.

What makes this weak gene work is unclear, and there are currently no known risk factors for getting an Acoustic Neuroma . Scientists know that the defective gene is inherited in neurofibromatosis type 2, a rare disease that usually involves the growth of tumors in the balance nerves on either side of your head (bilateral vestibular schwannomas).

Symptoms of Acoustic Neuroma:  The signs and symptoms of Acoustic Neuroma develop from direct effects on the main nerve or tumor pressing on adjacent nerves, nearby blood vessels or brain structures. As the tumor grows, it may be more likely to cause signs and symptoms, although the size of the tumor does not always determine the effects. It is possible for a small tumor to cause significant signs and symptoms. You may experience signs and symptoms, such as:

  • Hearing loss , usually gradual – though in some cases sudden – and occurring only on one side or more pronounced on one side
  • Ringing (tinnitus) in the affected ear
  • Insecure, loss of balance
  • Dizziness (vertigo)
  • Facial numbness and very rarely weakness

In rare cases, an Acoustic Neuroma can grow large enough to compress the brain stem and threaten your life.

When to See Your Doctor:  See your doctor if you notice hearing loss in one ear, ringing in the ear, or problems with your balance. Early diagnosis of an Acoustic Neuroma can help prevent the tumor from growing large enough to cause serious consequences, such as total hearing loss or life-threatening fluid buildup in your skull.

Acoustic Neuroma Risk Factors:  The only known risk factor for Acoustic Neuroma is having a parent with the rare genetic neurofibromatosis type 2, but this only accounts for a small number of cases. A distinguishing feature of neurofibromatosis type 2 is the development of benign tumors on the balance nerves on both sides of your head, as well as other nerves.

Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is known as an autosomal dominant disorder, which means that the mutation can be passed on by only one parent (dominant gene). Each child of an affected parent has a 50-50 chance of inheriting it. Another possible risk factor that may be associated with Acoustic Neuroma includes childhood exposure to low-dose radiation to the head and neck.

Acoustic Neuroma Complications:  An Acoustic Neuroma can cause a variety of permanent complications, including:

  • hearing loss
  • Facial numbness and weakness
  • Difficulties with balance
  • touching the ear

Large tumors can put pressure on your brain stem, preventing the normal flow of fluid between your brain  and spinal cord (cerebrospinal fluid). In this case, fluid can build up in your head (hydrocephalus), increasing pressure inside your skull.

Acoustic Neuroma Tests and Diagnosis:  Because the signs and symptoms of Acoustic Neuroma are likely to develop gradually, and because symptoms such as hearing loss can be indicators of other middle and inner ear problems, it can be difficult for your doctor to detect the tumor in its stages. initials. After asking questions about your symptoms, your doctor will perform an ear exam. Your doctor may order the following tests:

  • Hearing test (audiometry). In this test, conducted by a hearing specialist (audiologist), you hear sounds directed to one ear at a time. The audiologist presents a variety of sounds of various tones and asks you to indicate each time you hear the sound. Each tone is repeated at faint levels to find out when you can barely hear it. The audiologist may also present several words to determine your hearing ability.
  • Scans Contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans of your head can provide images that confirm the presence of an Acoustic Neuroma .

Acoustic Neuroma Treatments:  Your Acoustic Neuroma treatment may vary depending on the size and growth of your Acoustic Neuroma and whether you are experiencing symptoms. To treat Acoustic Neuroma , your doctor may suggest several possible treatments.

Monitoring:  If you have a small Acoustic Neuroma that is not growing or is slowly growing and causes few or no signs or symptoms, you and your doctor may decide to monitor you, especially if you are an older adult or not a good candidate. for treatment.

Your doctor may recommend that you have regular imaging and hearing tests, usually every six to 12 months, to determine if the tumor is growing and how quickly. If the scans show that the tumor is growing or if the tumor causes progressive symptoms or other difficulties, you will need to undergo treatment.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery:  Your doctor may recommend stereotactic radiosurgery (ster-e-oh-TAK-tik ray-dee-oh-SUR-jur-e) if you have an Acoustic Neuroma . Some very large tumors cannot be treated with stereotactic radiosurgery.

The goal of stereotactic radiosurgery is to stop the growth of a tumor, preserve facial nerve function, and possibly preserve hearing. However, one study found that many people gradually lose their hearing within 10 years after stereotactic radiosurgery.

In stereotactic radiosurgery, such as Gamma Knife radiosurgery, doctors deliver radiation precisely to a tumor without making an incision. The doctor attaches a lightweight frame to your scalp, which has been numbed, to keep your head still during the procedure. Using imaging scans, your doctor identifies the tumor and then plans where to direct the beams of radiation.

It can take weeks, months or years before the effects of radiosurgery become evident. Your doctor will monitor your progress with follow-up imaging studies and hearing tests. Risks of radio surgery include hearing loss , ringing in the ear, facial weakness, facial numbness, balance problems and treatment failure (continuous tumor growth). Very rarely, radiation can cause cancer in the treated area in the future.

Surgical Removal:  You may need surgery to remove an Acoustic Neuroma . Your surgeon may use one of several techniques to remove an Acoustic Neuroma , depending on the size of the tumor, preoperative hearing status, and other factors. The goal of surgery is to remove the tumor, preserve the facial nerve to prevent facial paralysis, and preserve hearing when possible.

Surgery for an Acoustic Neuroma is performed under general anesthesia and involves removing the tumor through the inner ear or through a window in the skull. The entire tumor may not be completely removed in some cases. For example, if the tumor is very close to important parts of the brain  or facial nerve.

Surgery can create complications, including worsening symptoms, if certain nerve or cranial structures are affected during the operation. These risks are often based on the size of the tumor and the surgical approach used. Complications can include:

  • Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid through the wound
  • hearing loss
  • facial weakness
  • face numbness
  • touching the ear
  • balance problems
  • persistent headache
  • Cerebrospinal fluid infection (meningitis)
  • Cerebral hemorrhage

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