Acerola juice for colds and flu: How to make it, benefits and recipe

Acerola juice for colds and flu: How to make it, benefits and recipe. Plus, it’s a good healthy juice option.

 Acerola Detox Juice  offers essential nutrients for the body’s overall health . In addition,  Detox Juice  is a drink that contains components that favor liver cleansing, enhancing the elimination of toxins that overload your body.

Detox  Juice  quickly became popular for bringing health benefits, as well as the promise that they will lose weight. However, people end up drinking the juice without knowing what it is for.

Detox Juice helps the   liver to eliminate toxins that prevent the proper functioning of our body. The liver is the organ capable of transforming all these toxins and impurities that we consume daily into substances that can be eliminated through urine and feces. Therefore,  Detox Juice  helps to cleanse the liver, allowing it to better perform its functions. It can and should be taken daily, as this will keep the liver healthy and working well.

Detox  Juice  is made with foods that somehow help to cleanse toxins from the body, whether free radicals in the body or substances that reach specific organs such as the liver. That way the body works better and it is possible to have more benefits, such as weight loss.

The famous  Detox Juice , have been making the biggest success and it’s not by chance. In addition to being hydrating and tasty,  Detox Juice  in general has a detoxifying action, that is, they help our body to eliminate toxins, thus increasing well-being and helping to prevent numerous diseases.

Acerola benefits: Acerola  is  a  fruit that can be used as a medicinal plant due to the high concentration of vitamin C. Acerola fruits  ,  in addition to being tasty, are very nutritious, because they are also very rich in vitamin A, vitamins from the B Complex , iron and calcium. In addition,  acerola  is beneficial for:

  • Acerola   helps fight lung conditions ;
  • Acerola   helps in the treatment of dysentery ;
  • Acerola   helps in wound healing ;
  • Acerola   helps fight fatigue ;
  • Acerola  helps  fight the flu;
  • Acerola   helps fight nose and gum bleeding ;
  • Acerola  helps in  the diet of malnourished people and in recovering from physical wear and tear.

Benefits of Coconut Water: Coconut  water  , in addition to being very tasty, also has a benefit in fighting cholesterol. It can be used as a diuretic, as it is harmless and rich in potassium salts, it is indicated in cases of diarrhea, vomiting or even dehydration. In addition,  Coconut Water  is an excellent treatment in cases of high blood pressure, heart problems, cramps, muscle weakness, headaches and malaise.

How to make acerola juice for colds and flu


  • 1 cup (tea) of acerola
  • 1 cup of coconut water
  • 3 lemon balm leaves
  • 1 handful of mint leaves


  • Blend everything in a blender and strain.
  • It is important to strain to remove the acerola seed.
  • Follow.
  • Take it only once a day for 2 days.

NOTE:  To really achieve good results it is necessary that you maintain a  BALANCED and healthy FOOD .

To maximize the results, don’t forget to practice some physical activity. Going for a walk every day is a good start.

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