Zinc Deficiency: 30 Shocking Signs, Watch Out

Zinc Deficiency What are the Signs and Symptoms? and how to treat to keep zinc levels at normal levels in the body.

I estimate that about 75% of people out there today are zinc deficient and/or have symptoms of zinc deficiency.

Here are the top zinc deficiency symptoms , along with my top five zinc-rich foods you should be consuming and what to look for in a zinc supplement.

What is zinc? and its functions?

Zinc  is an important mineral that plays a vital role in protein synthesis and helps regulate cell production in the human body’s immune system.

Zinc is found primarily in the strongest muscles in the body and especially in high concentrations in white and red blood cells, retina of the eye, skin, liver, kidneys, bones and pancreas.

Zinc is a mineral that the body needs to fight infection and produce new cells.

Zinc also plays a vital role in healing the wounded and creating DNA.

In the human body, there are more than 300 different enzymes that need zinc to function normally.

Researchers believe that 3,000 proteins out of about 100,000 in the body are predominantly made up of zinc .

There are organs in the human body that secrete zinc , such as the salivary glands, the prostate gland and the pancreas.

In theory, we should be able to get enough zinc in our diets.

Therefore, Zinc Deficiency is relatively uncommon in Brazil, but it is more common among people over sixty years of age and vegetarians.

While not fatal, a zinc deficiency can be dangerous in pregnant or breastfeeding women, so it’s important to know the symptoms.

Zinc Deficiency, What Are the Symptoms?

1. Compromised immune system:

The first warning sign of a zinc deficiency is if your immune system is compromised.

If you tend to get sick often, have immune system problems, always suffer from some sort of chronic allergy or whatever, that’s a big warning sign that you’re deficient in zinc.

Because? Because zinc is vital for immune function.

It plays a role in:

  • Growth and differentiation of T cells into white blood cells, which we need to ward off disease
  • Apoptosis, to kill dangerous bacteria, viruses and cancer cells
  • genetic transcription
  • Protective functions of our cell membranes.

So, if you’re not immune to the problem – if you get sick often or if you’re that person who always gets sick – that’s a big warning sign.

Also, if you have any other disease related to immunodeficiency, this is a symptom of zinc deficiency and a sign that you are zinc deficient .

2. Leaky gut syndrome:

The second warning sign of a zinc deficiency is having leaky gut syndrome.

Leaky gut is a problem in which proteins can leak through the intestine and cause systemic inflammation, and this is also linked to food allergies, thyroid issues, and adrenal fatigue.

Zinc has been shown to resolve permeability changes and tighten leaky gut symptoms.

therefore, if you suffer from leaky gut, have malabsorption, and don’t digest nutrients well, you probably also have symptoms of zinc deficiency.

3. Diarrhea:

The third warning sign of a zinc deficiency is if you have problems with diarrhea.

If you are passing loose stools and your poop is not firmly formed, this is one of the big symptoms of zinc deficiency.

Also, if you have inflammatory bowel disease such as irritable bowel syndrome – even gas and bloating – these are warning signs that you are zinc deficient.

Zinc supplementation has been found to treat diarrhea in children, showing that zinc can be a powerful cure for diarrhea.

4. Hair loss or hair loss:

Warning sign number four is hair loss or hair loss .

If you have thin hair or are losing your hair.

Zinc is an essential mineral that actually supports thicker hair growth ,

because zinc deficiency is an often overlooked cause of hair loss and baldness .

That’s why zinc supplementation is a natural remedy against hair loss .

Zinc also aids your body in growth, repair and healing.

5. Inflammatory skin problems:

The number 5 sign of a zinc deficiency is having some sort of inflammatory skin problem, especially acne, eczema, dermatitis, or psoriasis .

These are all warning signs if you are zinc deficient.

Therefore, zinc is one of the acne home remedies that any acne patient should consider.

6. Regular Infections:

Zinc is vital for a healthy immune system .

Therefore, the lack of zinc contributes to the development of infections, whether viral or bacterial.

7. Wounds That Don’t Heal: 

Wounds that do not heal are one of the signs of lack of zinc even if they are not infected.

you may notice that your cuts and wounds are simply not healing as quickly as they should.

8. Loss of Appetite: 

Zinc is vital for maintaining good taste and smell sensitivity.

So, if you haven’t noticed a great sensitivity in the taste and smell of food, this could be one of the Signs of a lack of zinc .

This is a common symptom among older people.

9. Slowed Growth:

There’s not much you can do about it, but scientists agree that Zinc ‘s vital role in cell growth is related to stunted growth in children who have had a Zinc Deficiency .

10. Hearing Loss:

There is some evidence to suggest that zinc is vital for good hearing .

A study of people with hearing problems found that a lack of zinc was linked to greater severity of hearing loss.

Another study showed a significant improvement in hearing after taking zinc supplements .

Other symptoms of zinc deficiency

  • growth delay,
  • low blood pressure,
  • delayed bone growth,
  • Loss of sense of smell and taste,
  • Depression,
  • Rough skin / pale skin,
  • Weight loss,
  • Fatigue,
  • White spots on finger nails.

Causes of zinc deficiency

Causes of zinc deficiency

There are other warning signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency, but I want to talk about which people are most zinc deficient and what causes a zinc deficiency.

1. Stress:

One of the biggest factors causing zinc deficiency is a high level of emotional stress .

We all know that chronic stress can kill your quality of life, and if you are emotionally stressed, over time your body will have to use zinc to heal and repair your body, brain, skin and organs.

Zinc is a repair mineral that is actually critical for the synthesis and utilization of proteins in your body.

So if you have a loss in the family or a very stressful job and you are not getting enough sleep, this is a big cause of zinc deficiency.

2. Excessive Exercise:

The second most common cause of zinc deficiency is over-exercising and over-training.

Triathletes, marathoners and CrossFit athletes are some of the people most susceptible to a zinc deficiency.

So if you exercise a lot – especially if you do a lot of high-intensity workouts (HITT) or CrossFit exercises – and maybe you’ve even worked out too much in the past, it can cause zinc deficiency.

3. Pregnancy or breastfeeding:

The third most common reason for zinc deficiency is if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Of course, when you’re eating for two, this can cause mineral deficiencies, including zinc deficiency.

4. Malabsorption:

Last but not least, elderly women tend to have malabsorption, so they do not absorb zinc well and tend to experience zinc deficiency symptoms.

Zinc deficiency symptoms, how to normalize?

If you add more zinc to your diet to compensate for your zinc deficiency symptoms, a few things need to happen.

The first thing needed is to consume more foods rich in zinc.

Foods rich in zinc

So, adding these foods to your diet can increase zinc levels.

Last but not least, you need probiotics too.

Take a good probiotic supplement consuming probiotic foods such as kefir; Fermented foods and vegetables like sauerkraut increase your absorption and digestion of zinc.

Remember, it’s not just what you eat, it’s also what you digest.

So, adding more probiotic-rich foods to your diet and supplements can improve your overall zinc absorption.

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