7 main symptoms of zika virus!

Many people ignore the main symptoms of Zika virus, because the Zika Virus (ZKV) is a virus transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. (same transmitter of dengue and chikungunya fever) and Aedes albopictus. The Zika virus had its first recorded appearance in 1947, when it was found in monkeys in the Zika Forest in Uganda .

However, it was not until 1954 that the first human cases were reported, in Nigeria. The Zika virus reached Oceania in 2007 and French Polynesia in 2013. Brazil reported the first cases of Zika virus in 2015, in Rio Grande do Norte and Bahia. Currently, its presence is already documented in about 70 countries.

The  symptoms of Zika Virus  are similar to those of Dengue, however, the Zika virus is weaker and therefore the symptoms are milder and disappear between 4 to 7 days, but it is important to go to the doctor to confirm if you really have Zika. So, check now  The Top 11 Symptoms of Zika Virus:

Symptoms of Zika Virus:

The signs of Zika virus infection are similar to the symptoms of dengue, and begin 3 to 12 days after the mosquito bite. Most individuals, about 80%, after becoming infected with ZKV will not develop any symptoms of the disease. In addition, Zika Virus Symptoms , when present, are:

  • Low fever (between 37.8° and 38.5°C)
  • Joint pain (arthralgia), most often in the joints of the hands and feet, with possible swelling
  • Also, muscle pain (myalgia)
  • Headache and behind the eyes
  • Rashes (rashes), accompanied by itching. May affect face, trunk and reach peripheral limbs such as hands and feet
  • Conjunctivitis : a condition of redness and swelling in the eyes, but in which there is no discharge.

Rarer symptoms of Zika virus infection include:

Symptoms of Zika Virus usually last for about 2 to 7 days. In occasional cases, joint pain may persist for around 1 month. The following are the Symptoms of Zika Virus Detail:

Symptoms of Zika Virus Detailed:

Initially, Zika Virus Symptoms  can be confused with a simple flu, causing:

1. Pain in Joints and Muscles:

One of the main  symptoms of Zika Virus is pain, which affects every muscle in the body, and occurs mainly in the small joints of the hands and feet. In addition, the region may be slightly swollen and reddened, as is also the case with arthritis. The pain can be more intense when moving, being still hurts less.

How to Relieve: Medicines such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are useful to relieve this pain but cold compresses can also help to deflate the joints, relieving pain and discomfort, in addition, you should rest whenever possible.

2. Headache:

The headache caused by the Zika Virus mainly affects the back of the eyes, the person may have the feeling that the head is throbbing, but in some people the headache is not very severe.

How to Relieve: Placing cold water compresses on the forehead and drinking warm chamomile tea can help relieve this discomfort.

3. Physical and Mental Fatigue:

With the immune system acting against the virus, there is a greater energy expenditure and consequently the person feels more tired, with difficulty moving and concentrating. This is as a form of protection so that the person can rest and the body can focus on fighting the virus.

How to mitigate: Rest as much as possible, drink plenty of water to facilitate the elimination of the virus and evaluate the possibility of not attending school or work.

4. Low Fever:

Low fever , which can vary between 37.8°C and 38.5°C, occurs because with the entry of the virus into the body there is an increase in the production of antibodies and this increase raises the body temperature, so fever should not be faced . as something bad, but it signals that the antibodies are working to fight the invading agent.

How to Soothe: In addition to the remedies indicated by the doctor, it can be useful to avoid very hot clothes, take a slightly warm bath to adjust the skin temperature or place slightly cold cloths on the back of the neck and armpits to reduce body temperature.

5. Red Spots on the Skin:

These occur throughout the body and are slightly elevated. They start on the face and then spread over the body and can sometimes be confused with measles or dengue, for example. At the medical center, performing the noose test can differentiate the symptoms of dengue, since the result will always be negative in case of Zika Virus. Unlike dengue, the Zika Virus cannot cause bleeding complications.

6. Body Itching:

In addition to the small spots on the skin, the Zika Virus also causes itchy skin in most cases, however the itching tends to decrease in 5 days and can be treated with antihistamines prescribed by the doctor.

How to Soothe: Taking cold showers can also help relieve itching. Applying cornstarch or fine oatmeal to the most affected areas can also help to control this symptom.

7. Redness and Sensitivity in the Eyes

This redness is caused by increased periorbital blood flow. Despite being similar to conjunctivitis, there is no yellowish discharge, although there may be a slight increase in tear production. Also, the eyes are more sensitive to daylight and it may be more comfortable to wear sunglasses.

Other less frequent symptoms include gastrointestinal changes such as canker sores, pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. Sore throat also occurs in some people, although it is less common.

In about 80% of cases, the Zika Virus does not cause any symptoms and is therefore called asymptomatic. It is believed that people who do not show symptoms of Zika Virus have a stronger immune system and therefore do not show symptoms related to the disease.

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