What can coca-cola do to your body in 1 hour!

What can coca-cola do to your body in 1 hour you need to know. Also, for many, there is nothing more pleasant than quenching their thirst by slowly opening a can of soda, especially Coca Cola, which will make you feel good despite all these recommendations. People and doctors respect this drink.

But have you ever wondered what happens to your body after drinking a Coke? Believe it or not, the effects can be seen in as little as an hour. This was revealed by a former pharmacist on his blog, who described in detail what happens to your body immediately after taking your first sip and 60 minutes after you finish drinking.

What can coca-cola do to your body in 1 hour:

After 10 minutes:

The system recognizes about 10 teaspoons of ingested sugar, which is equivalent to 100% of the recommended daily intake.

After 20 minutes:

Blood sugar spikes are at their maximum, generating a burst of insulin. The liver works hard to convert excess sugar into fat.

After 40 minutes:

Your body has completely absorbed the caffeine. The pupils dilate, there is a rise in blood pressure, and the liver sends more sugar into the blood. In addition, adenosine receptors in the brain are blocked, so you will be awake, away from any sleep symptoms.

After 45 minutes:

It increases dopamine production, stimulating the brain’s pleasure centers, a sensation that is also experienced when heroin is consumed.

After 60 minutes:

Phosphoric acid adheres to Calcium , Magnesium , Zinc and the small intestine, which stimulates metabolism. Likewise, there is a need to go to the bathroom, due to the diuretic properties of Coca-Cola. Begins to lower blood sugar.

If you are looking to refresh yourself and quench your thirst, it is recommended to replace Coca-Cola with lemon water . The compounds that make up Coca-Cola are many and they are all harmful to health:

  • They are 200 times sweeter than sugar.
  • They cause emotional imbalances
  • leads to addiction
  • They can destroy the optic nerve, cause infertility, fatigue and weight gain.
  • Many of the compounds are used to make glass, fertilizers, detergents and supply the metallurgical, textile and petroleum industries.
  • They lead to cirrhosis and degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s Disease .

It was discovered that this drink can be used for:

  • clean the engines
  • Remove oxidation stains
  • Remove stains from clothes
  • like a pesticide
Useful links: 

If given another use, Coca-Cola can be a very useful product, however drinking it is not the best for our health.

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