Top 7 Symptoms of Gingivitis

The 7 Main Symptoms of Gingivitis are very common and this makes the identification of Gingivitis  difficult. Also, in case you suffer from gum inflammation. When microbes and bacteria build up in the mouth, we can experience conditions such as cavities, periodontal disease and/or inflamed gums, known as gingivitis . However, this problem can also be caused by gum damage, even from brushing or flossing.

What is Gingivitis:  Gingivitis is  an inflammation of the gums, it is the initial stage of gum disease  and the easiest to treat. The direct cause of the disease is plaque – a viscous, colorless film of bacteria that constantly forms on teeth and gums.

If plaque is not removed by daily brushing and flossing, it produces toxins (acids) that irritate the gum lining causing gingivitis . At this early stage of gum disease , the damage can be reversed, as the bone and connective tissue that holds the teeth in place have not yet been damaged. However, if gingivitis is not treated, it can develop into periodontitis and cause permanent damage to the teeth .

Symptoms of Gingivitis:  Gingivitis can occur at any age, but it is more common among adults. If caught in its early stages, gingivitis can be reversed – so visit your dentist if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Red, swollen or swollen, or flabby gums.
  • Gums that bleed when brushing or flossing.
  • Teeth that appear longer due to gum recession.
  • Gums that separate or pull away from the teeth, creating a pocket.
  • Changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite.
  • Secretion of pus around the teeth and in the gum pocket.
  • Constant bad breath or bad taste in the mouth.

Causes of Gingivitis:  Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal disease , which consists of an inflammation and infection that causes changes in the tissues that support the teeth, such as the gums, ligaments and alveolar bone – the bone tissue that surrounds the roots of the teeth . .

Gingivitis is sometimes the result of the long-term effects of plaque buildup – although the disease can be noticed much earlier as well. Gingivitis is usually caused by poor or poorly oriented hygiene. Plaque, or biofilm in medical terms, is a sticky material made of bacteria, mucus and food residue that develops on the exposed part of your teeth. It is also the biggest cause of tooth decay.

If plaque is not removed, it turns into a hard deposit called tartar, which gets stuck in the tooth. Bacteria and toxins produced by plaque and tartar irritate the gums and make them swollen and tender.

Gum damage can result from a number of causes. Even excessive brushing or vigorous flossing can cause gingivitis . In addition, hormonal changes can also increase the risk of developing this inflammation, as they make the gums more sensitive. Gingivitis is most common in teenagers at the beginning of puberty, young people in early adulthood, and in pregnant women.

Misaligned teeth , rough filling tips, or poorly fitted or poorly cleaned appliances, such as braces and dentures, can irritate your gums and increase the risk of inflammation. Also related to Gingivitis are the use of medications such as phenytoin and birth control pills, as well as heavy metals such as lead and bismuth.

Useful links: 

Treatment for Gingivitis:  Even with complications that affect the entire gum region, there are different care for each type. The professional explains the measures most indicated by dentists. In gingivitis , the treatment is very simple, consisting of oral hygiene instructions, good plaque control by the patient and prophylaxis. In periodontitis, in addition to the same guidelines, supra and sub-gingival scaling should be performed to prevent disease progression .

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