Top 10 Symptoms of Agoraphobia

The Main Symptoms of Agoraphobia  that we should not ignore. Additionally, Agoraphobia  is an anxiety disorder that manifests as a fear of situations where escape might be difficult, or where help would not be available if something bad happened. The word comes from the ancient Greek word “now”, referring to a place of assembly or market. Agoraphobia is often  misunderstood as a fear of open spaces, but in reality it is more complex. Agoraphobia can involve  a fear of crowds, bridges, or being alone. About 1.8 million Americans over age 18, or about 0.8 percent of adults, have Agoraphobia  with no history of panic disorder.

Agoraphobia  is listed in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder 5 (DSM-5) as an anxiety disorder . An anxiety disorder is when a feeling of anxiety doesn’t go away and tends to get worse over time. One type of anxiety disorder is a panic disorder , where panic attacks and sudden feelings of terror can occur without warning.

Agoraphobia is one such panic  disorder. Agoraphobic panic attacks are linked to fear of places where escape is difficult or where help may not be available. Places that can induce Agoraphobia  include those that can make a person feel ashamed, helpless, or trapped, such as crowded areas, bridges, public transport, and remote areas.

Most people develop Agoraphobia  after having had one or more panic attacks. These attacks make them fear further attacks, so they try to avoid the situation in which the attack occurred. People with Agoraphobia  may need help from a companion to go to public places, and they may sometimes feel unable to leave the house.

Causes of Agoraphobia:  Why Agoraphobia  happens is still unclear, but it is thought that the areas of the brain that control the fear response may play a role. Environmental factors, such as a previous attack or physical attack, also contribute. As there is evidence that anxiety disorders run in families, genetic factors may also play a role in Agoraphobia  and other panic disorders.

In some people, it occurs after they have had one or more panic attacks, and they begin to fear situations that could lead to future panic attacks. Other panic disorders or phobias may play a developmental role. So, check now  The Top 10 Symptoms of Agoraphobia:

Agoraphobia Symptoms:  With Agoraphobia , you don’t go to places that scare you. If you end up in one, you can get very anxious. The main symptoms of Agoraphobia  include:

  • Fast and beating heart
  • Sweating, shaking, shaking
  • Breathing problems
  • Feeling hot or cold
  • nausea or diarrhea
  • Chest pain
  • swallowing problems
  • Dizziness or feeling weak
  • Fear to die

Many of these symptoms are the same for other medical conditions, such as heart disease, stomach problems, and breathing problems. So, you might make several trips to the doctor or emergency room before you and your doctor figure out what’s really going on.

Diagnosis of Agoraphobia:  Agoraphobia is  usually diagnosed after an interview with a healthcare professional, usually in the field of psychiatry. The specialist will assess the signs and symptoms. Family or friends can help by describing the person’s behavior.

A physical exam can rule out other conditions that could be causing the symptoms. Diagnostic criteria for Agoraphobia  within the DSM-5 include extreme anxiety or fear regarding being in at least two of the following situations, characterized by being difficult to escape or find help:

  • on public transport
  • in an open space
  • in an enclosed space
  • In a crowd or queue
  • out of the house alone

Other diagnostic criteria include:

  • Fear or anxiety that normally relates to a particular situation
  • Fear or anxiety out of proportion to the actual danger of the situation
  • Avoiding a situation or requiring a partner to deal with it
  • The resistance of a situation with extreme difficulty
  • Distress or problems in areas of life caused by fear, anxiety, or avoidance
  • Long-term persistent phobia and avoidance

Agoraphobia Treatments:  Agoraphobia is  usually treated with a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Treatment is effective for most people with Agoraphobia , but it can be more difficult to treat if people don’t get help early.

Agoraphobia Prevention:  There is no sure way to prevent Agoraphobia . However, the  anxiety  tends to increase, the more you avoid situations that you are afraid of. If you start to fear slightly about places that are safe, try to practice going to those places over and over again before your fear becomes overwhelming. If this is too difficult to do on your own, ask a family member or friend to go with you, or seek professional help.

If you experience  anxiety  in places or panic attacks, get treatment as soon as possible. Get help early to prevent symptoms from getting worse. Anxiety, like many other mental health conditions, can be more difficult to treat if you wait.

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