Top 10 Causes of Adaptation Disorder

The Main Causes of Adaptation Disorder  that many are unaware of. Also, Adjustment Disorder occurs when you have difficulty dealing with a stressful life event. These can include the death of a loved one, relationship problems, or being fired from work. While everyone encounters stress , some people have trouble controlling certain stressors. The inability to adjust to the stressful event can cause one or more severe psychological symptoms and even physical symptoms. There are six types  of Adaptation Disorder . Each type is associated with distinct symptoms and signs. Adjustment  Disorder  can affect adults and children.Adjustment  Disorder  is treated with therapy, medication, or a combination of both. With help, you can usually recover from an Adjustment Disorder  quickly. The disorder typically does not last longer than six months unless the stressor persists.Types of Adaptation Disorder:  There are six different types of Adaptation Disorder. Each type of Adaptation Disorder  is associated with different symptoms:

  • Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood: People diagnosed with this type  of Adjustment Disorder tend to experience feelings of sadness and hopelessness. It is also associated with crying. You may also find that you no longer enjoy activities that you previously enjoyed.
  • Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety:  Symptoms associated with Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety  include feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and worried. People with this disorder may also have problems with concentration and memory. For children, this diagnosis is often associated with separation anxiety  from parents and loved ones.
  • Adjustment Disorder with Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood:  People with this type  of Adjustment Disorder experience depression and anxiety .
  • Adjustment Disorder with Conduct Disorders:  Symptoms of this type of Adjustment Disorder primarily involve behavioral problems such as driving recklessly or starting fights. Teens with this disorder may steal or vandalize property. They may also start missing school.
  • Adjustment Disorder with Mixed Emotions and Conduct Disorders:  Symptoms related to this type  of Adjustment Disorder include depression, anxiety ,  and behavioral problems.
  • Unspecified Adjustment Disorder:  Those diagnosed with Unspecified Adjustment Disorder have symptoms that are not associated with the other types  of Adjustment Disorder . These often include physical symptoms or problems with friends, family, work, or school. So, check out now  The Top 10 Causes of Adaptation Disorder:

Causes of Adaptation Disorder:  A variety of stressful events can cause an Adaptation Disorder . The main causes of Adjustment Disorder in adults include:

  • Death of a family member or friend
  • Relationship or divorce issues
  • Major life changes
  • Illness or health problem (in you or someone you are close to)
  • Moving to a new home or place
  • sudden catastrophes
  • Money problems or fears

Typical causes in children and adolescents include:

  • Family struggles or problems
  • problems at school
  • anxiety  about sexuality

Symptoms of Adjustment Disorder:  The mental and physical symptoms associated with Adjustment Disorder usually occur during or immediately after you have a stressful event. As long as the disorder doesn’t make it past six months, your symptoms can continue if the stressor isn’t removed. Some people have only one symptom. Others may have many symptoms. Symptoms  of Adaptation Disorder can include:

  • Act rebellious or impulsive
  • acting anxious
  • Feeling sad, hopeless or trapped
  • Choro
  • Attitude withdrawn
  • Lack of concentration
  • loss of self-esteem
  • Suicidal thoughts

There is a type  of Adaptation Disorder associated with physical and psychological symptoms. These physical symptoms can include:

Risk Factors for Adaptation Disorder:  Anyone can develop an Adaptation Disorder . There is no way to tell which of a group of people experiencing the same stressor will develop an Adaptation Disorder . Your social skills and methods of dealing with other stressors can determine whether or not you develop an Adaptation Disorder .

Diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder:  To be diagnosed with an Adjustment Disorder , you must meet the following criteria:

  • Experiencing psychological or behavioral symptoms within three months of an identifiable stressor or stressors occurring in your life
  • Having more stress  than would be normal in response to a specific stressor, or stress  that causes problems with relationships, school, or work, or experiencing both of these criteria
  • Improvement of symptoms within six months after the stressor or stressors are removed
  • Symptoms that are not the result of another diagnosis

Treatments for Adjustment Disorder:  If you are diagnosed with an Adjustment Disorder , you will likely benefit from treatment. You may only require short-term treatment, or you may need to be treated over a long period of time. Adjustment Disorder  is usually treated with therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Treatments for  Adjustment Disorder include:

Therapy:  Therapy is the main treatment for an Adjustment Disorder . Your doctor or healthcare professional may recommend that you see a mental health professional. You may be referred to a psychologist or mental health counselor. However, if your doctor thinks your condition requires medication, they may refer you to a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse.

Going to therapy can help you return to a regular level of functioning. Therapists offer their emotional support and can help you understand the cause of your Adjustment Disorder . This can help you develop skills to deal with future stressful situations. There are several types of therapies used to treat Adaptation Disorder . These therapies include:

  • Psychotherapy (also called counseling or talk therapy)
  • Crisis intervention (emergency psychological assistance)
  • Family and group therapies
  • Support groups specific to the cause of Adaptation Disorder
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT (focuses on problem solving by changing unproductive thoughts and behaviors)
  • Interpersonal psychotherapy or IPT (short-term psychotherapy treatment)

Medication:  Some people with Adjustment Disorder also benefit from taking medication. Medications are used to lessen some of the symptoms  of Adjustment Disorder , such as insomnia , depression, and anxiety . These medications include:

  • Benzodiazepines (such as lorazepam and alprazolam)
  • Non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic (such as gabapentin)
  • SSRI or SNRI (such as sertraline or venlafaxine)

Preventing Adjustment Disorder:  There is no guaranteed way to prevent an Adjustment Disorder . However, learning to cope and being resilient can help you deal with stressors. Being resilient means being able to overcome stressors. You can increase your resilience by:

  • Developing a strong network of people to support you
  • Looking for the positive or humor in difficult situations
  • living healthy
  • Establishing good self-esteem

Useful links: 

It can be helpful to prepare for a stressful situation if you know you will need to confront it in advance. Thinking positively can help. You can also call your doctor or therapist to discuss how you can manage especially stressful situations.

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